All structures intended for residential occupancy placed, erected, assembled or constructed in the city after the effective date of this section shall meet and comply with the following minimum requirements.
   (A)   Structure size. Each such structure shall have a main body with a minimum exterior dimension of at least 22 feet measured from outside of the exterior walls.
   (B)   Minimum floor area. A minimum floor area of not less than 800 square feet. (In order to comply with the provisions of division (A) above and this division (B), the minimum exterior dimensions of a residential structure shall not be less than 22 feet by 36.5 feet. A structure may include porches, sunrooms, garages and wings of lesser dimensions and area, so long as the main body meets the minimum requirements.)
   (C)   Foundation.
      (1)   All residential structures shall have a continuous and complete frost protected perimeter foundation, except that a perimeter foundation shall not be required for a manufactured home if a perimeter foundation is incompatible with the structural design of the manufactured home structure. For such a manufactured home, a permanent foundation may be a pier footing foundation system designed and constructed to be compatible with the structure and the conditions of the site.
      (2)   Foundation materials may be masonry, poured concrete, wood or metal and must extend below the normal frost line. The structure must be permanently attached to the foundation.
   (D)   Exterior wall and roof material.
      (1)   References in this division (D) to the International Residential Code refer to the version of the International Residential Code published by the International Code Council as incorporated in the State Building Code pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 103A.
      (2)   (a)   Exterior wall cladding shall create a water and wind resistant, durable finish that is firmly anchored to the substrate.
         (b)   Guidance for anchorage and resistance to the elements may be found in the International Residential Code § R703 Exterior Coverings.
      (3)   Exterior roof classing shall provide durable weather protection to the interior of the structure that is firmly attached to the building frame.
         (a)   Guidance for weather protection may be found in the International Residential Code § R903.
         (b)   Guidance for materials may be found in the International Residential Code § R904.
         (c)   Guidance for roof covering including decking, flashings, underlayment, and attachment may be found in International Residential Code § 905.
         (d)   Guidance for re-roofing projects may be found in International Residential Code § 908.
      (4)   Wall cladding and roofing materials shall be comprised of customarily used and recognized residential materials that provide curable resistance to weather. Determination of material acceptability shall be made by the Building Official. Criteria may include warranty and technical information.
      (5)   Materials customarily used in agricultural or industrial settings are prohibited as exterior wall and roof material.
      (6)   Temporary wall or roof coverings installed during construction activities are allowed only during periods of construction or demolition and shall be removed entirely upon completion of the construction or demolition work.
   (E)   Ceiling height. A minimum finished ceiling height of not less than seven and one-half feet.
   (F)   Entrance and exit doors. Not less than two functional entrance and exit doors.
(Prior Code, § 9-11-11) (Ord. 408, passed 1-20-1992; Ord. 461, passed 6-5-1995; Ord. 821, passed 8-21-2017; Ord. 863, passed 1-18-2021)