(A)   The Public Works Director shall maintain, supervise and operate in an efficient manner the properties of the city, including the streets, bridges, alleys, sidewalks, sanitary sewers, water pollution control facility, storm sewers, solid waste disposal facilities, municipal airport, public works complex facilities, city hall building and all other buildings and property of the city, except city properties specifically placed under the jurisdiction or control of other departments or administrative agencies of the city under the provisions of this code.
   (B)   The Public Works Director shall not have primary responsibility for, or authority over, the following properties, but may, upon request of the department or agency with jurisdiction over such properties, advise and assist with the maintenance of the properties:
      (1)   Property of municipal utilities;
      (2)   Property of the municipal hospital;
      (3)   Property under the jurisdiction of the Park Board;
      (4)   Property under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Golf Course Board;
      (5)   Riverside Cemetery and North Lawn Cemetery;
      (6)   Municipal library;
      (7)   Fire Department property; and
      (8)   Police Department property.
(Prior Code, § 1-7E-2) (Ord. 10.2, passed 9-25-1961; Ord. 291, passed 3-19-1984; Ord. 478, passed 2-17-1997; Ord. 508, passed 1-4-1999)