(A)   Preliminary plat. In seeking to subdivide land, the owner shall submit four copies of a preliminary plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission before the submission of the final plat. The preliminary plat shall be drawn to scale and shall show the proposed location and width of streets, lot lines and dimensions of each proposed lot. The plat shall also show surrounding streets, lots, water sources, sewers and water mains. The scale, of such preliminary plats shall not be less than one inch to 100 feet. The developer shall provide a topographical map of the property showing contour intervals of not more than five feet or as the Commission may require. All elevations shall be referenced to city datum. Any plat not containing all information specified above shall not be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (B)   Final plat. A final plat on polyester material and three prints thereof, and the plat on electronic media compatible with the city’s computer hardware and software, shall be submitted to the city. It shall show:
      (1)   The boundaries of the property;
      (2)   The lines of all proposed streets and alleyways, with their widths and names and any other areas intended to be dedicated to public use; the names of the streets shall be a continuation of the existing method of naming streets in the city;
      (3)   The lines of adjoining streets and alleys, with their widths and names;
      (4)   All lot lines and easements with dimensions, and all block corners properly monumented. Monuments shall be made of concrete or stone and shall be a minimum size of four inches by four inches by 36 inches, shall be placed vertically to a level of approximately 36 inches, level with the surface at finished grade. Monuments shall be cross-scored with a copper dowel or iron bar to mark the exact line or lines;
      (5)   All dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating boundaries of the subdivided area or of the lots, streets, alleys, easement and any other similar public or private uses. The linear dimensions shall be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot;
      (6)   Radii arcs and chords, points of tangency, central angles for all circulinear streets and radii for all rounded corners;
      (7)   All monuments, together with their description;
      (8)   Title and description of property subdivided showing its location and extent, points of compass, scale of plat, classification of property under zoning law, and name of subdivider and of licensed land surveyor staking the lots; and
      (9)   Profiles of final street grades.
   (C)   Additional material. The subdivider shall also file with the final plat, for submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission, all the acknowledgements, certificates and opinions as required by law, as well as statement of all private restrictions.
(Prior Code, § 9-13-3) (Ord. 103, passed 7-16-1962; Ord. 226, passed 7-2-1979; Ord. 361, passed 7-5-1988; Ord. 423, passed 8-17-1992; Ord. 471, passed 8-5-1996)