§ 31.037 DUTIES.
   The duties of the City Manager shall be as follows:
   (A)   Supervise enforcement and execution of all city ordinances and resolutions and applicable state and federal laws and regulations within the city;
   (B)   Attend all meetings of the Council unless excused by the Mayor or majority of the Council members;
   (C)   Recommend to the Council such measures as may be necessary or expedient for the good government and welfare of the city;
   (D)   Generally supervise and direct the administration of the city government;
   (E)   Supervise and conduct the business affairs of the city and, in conjunction with the City Clerk, cause accurate records to be kept by modern and efficient accounting methods;
   (F)   Supervise the performance of all contracts for work to be done for the city, supervise all purchases of material and supplies, and ensure that such material and supplies are received and are of the quality and character called for by the contract;
   (G)   Supervise the construction, improvement, repair, maintenance and management of all city properties, capital improvements and undertakings of the city, including the making and preservation of all surveys, maps, plans, drawings, specifications and estimates for capital improvements;
   (H)   Be directly responsible to the Council for the administration of the city as directed by the Council. All city departmental administration requiring the attention of the Council shall be brought before the Council by the Manager. Council involvement in administration initiated by the Council must be coordinated through the Manager;
   (I)   Supervise and direct the official conduct of all officers, departments and employees of the city, specifically including, but not limited to, police, fire, streets, sewers, water pollution control facilities, parks, cemeteries, airport, library, municipal golf course, solid waste disposal and central administration. To effectuate this responsibility, the City Manager shall have the power and authority to employ such assistants and other employees of the city for which the Council has approved the position generally;
   (J)   Represent the city, as directed by the Council, in all negotiations and relations with employees, contractors, consultants, other governmental units and civic organizations in which the city may have an interest;
   (K)   Cooperate with, assist and advise all administrative agencies, city boards and commissions and act as the Council’s liaison and representative to such entities;
   (L)   Investigate the affairs and conduct of any department, agency, officer or employee of the city, as deemed appropriate;
   (M)   Keep the Council fully advised of the financial and other conditions of the city and of its future needs;
   (N)   Supervise and assist the City Clerk, city boards, commissions and all city departments in the preparation of and administration and operation of the city’s annual budget;
   (O)   Make to the Council periodic reports of the general condition of the city, in writing, at such intervals as the Council directs;
   (P)   Advise, assist and consult with the City Attorney on all city legal matters;
   (Q)   Assist and supervise the City Clerk in regard to the issuance of all licenses and permits and provide for and cause the records to be kept of the issuance and revocation of such licenses and permits. Council approval prior to issuance shall be obtained when required by ordinance or statute;
   (R)   Assist the City Clerk to ensure that all necessary and proper records required by ordinance, state or federal law or regulation are properly maintained;
   (S)   Formulate and recommend employment and personnel policies, compensation schedules and benefits with the approval of the Council and to cooperate and assist the City Attorney in all manners relating to collective bargaining;
   (T)   Compile and maintain current and up to date information regarding all funding sources of the city, including state and federal grant and loan programs; plan, develop, prepare and submit, with the approval and at the direction of the Council, applications for grants, loans and other sources of funding and to administer all such fundings;
   (U)   Make recommendations to the Council and participate in projects and endeavors to support economic growth and development in the city;
   (V)   Faithfully represent the Council and the city in intergovernmental relations;
   (W)   Perform such other duties as the Mayor or Council may direct; and
   (X)   The City Manager shall have the power to employ, reclassify, discipline or suspend any employee under his or her direct control. The City Manager shall also have the power to employ, reclassify, discipline, suspend or discharge any employee under the supervision and control of any department head, but only with the concurrence of the department head. The City Manager shall not have the authority to employ or appoint, reclassify, discipline, suspend or discharge the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Public Works Director, City Clerk, City Attorney, Deputy City Manager/Finance Officer, Cemetery Sexton, Recreation and Forestry Coordinator, Building and Zoning Officer, Plumbing Inspector, Electrical Inspector or the Planning Director. However, the City Manager shall, when appropriate, recommend to the Council action regarding such appointed officers or employees of the city and shall also recommend to and seek direction from the Council when the Manager and a department head are not in agreement in regard to the employment, reclassification, suspension, discipline or discharge of a city employee.
(Prior Code, § 1-7B-3) (Ord. 336, passed 5-27-1986; Ord. 480, passed 7-7-1997; Ord. 698, passed 3-1-2010; Ord. 720, passed 6-20-2011)