For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABUTTING PROPERTY. Real property that has a common boundary with a city street or other public property. That portion of right-of-way green space for which the abutting property owner is responsible or may apply for a license to plant and maintain a tree is that portion of the right-of-way green space bounded by extensions of the property boundaries of the abutting private property to the curb line or traveled portion of the street.
   DIRECTOR. The Parks and Recreation Director, the Parks Superintendent or their designees.
   PLANTING STANDARDS. The standards promulgated by the Director governing the planting, preservation, fertilization and care of trees planted on city property.
   PROPERTY OWNER. The contract purchaser, if there is one of record; otherwise, the record holder of legal title.
   PRUNING STANDARDS. The standards promulgated by the Director governing the pruning, trimming and cutting of trees and shrubs located on city property.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY GREEN SPACE. The property between a property owner’s lot or property line and curb or the traveled portion of the public street and all other non-traveled portions of a public street right-of-way.
   SHRUB. A woody plant grown for decorative screening or enclosure purposes not exceeding a height of six feet above ground level. The definitions of a SHRUB and a bush shall be the same and are interchangeable.
   STREET. The entire right-of-way, from property line to property line, of all public traveled ways, streets and alleys.
   TREE. A woody growth with an expected height in excess of six feet.
   UTILITY COMPANY. A public or privately owned electric, natural gas or communications provider legally providing utility services in the city.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-2) (Ord. 652, passed 4-2-2007)