(A)   At the time of application for a zoning compliance permit for construction or expansion of an industry, facility or other source which has been determined to be a potential significant odor generator by the Building and Zoning Officer, that industry, facility or source may be required to commence an evaluation and analysis of all of its processes and potential odor emission points to determine their degree of potential odor generation. In addition to an evaluation of the odor emission points, the industry, facility or other source shall provide to the city a report with engineering detail of an odor control plan utilizing the BACT for the mitigation and on-going control of odor from the emission points designated and determined as a result of study or analysis. No zoning compliance permit will be issued until such time as the report and control strategy has been submitted to, reviewed and approved by the Building and Zoning Officer.
   (B)   If deemed necessary by the Building and Zoning Officer, the report may be submitted to a private consultant for his or her review and recommendation; the cost of the consultants will be borne by the subject industry, facility or other source.
   (C)   The control strategy shall include such monitoring, instrumentation and equipment as needed to ensure the maximum effective operation of BACT. The control strategy shall also include procedures for recordkeeping and monitoring of the operation and observation of the monitoring, instrumentation and equipment, and the operation and maintenance of the technologies, processes, procedures or operating methods or alterations utilized in or by the BACT.
(Prior Code, § 4-7-4) (Ord. 751, passed 6-3-2013)