(A)   Mayor.
      (1)   Election of Mayor. A Mayor shall be elected at each regular municipal election. The candidate receiving the most votes for the office shall be declared elected. All tie votes shall be decided by lot. The Mayor shall hold office for two years and until a successor is elected and qualified.
      (2)   Qualifications. All candidates for the office of Mayor shall be residents of the city. If the Mayor ceases to be a resident of the city, the office shall become vacant and the vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.
      (3)   Compensation. The Mayor shall receive an annual compensation of $14,000, payable in bi-weekly installments of $583.33. The Mayor shall also receive quarterly (on April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 2) a local mileage expense reimbursement payment for use of the Mayor’s personal vehicle on city business in the amount of $175 per quarter. This reimbursement is to cover local (county) personal auto use only. The Mayor shall be entitled to request and receive reimbursement for out of county travel pursuant to city policy. The Mayor shall receive no other compensation or employment benefits, except reimbursement of expenses incurred in performance of his or her duties as provided by ordinance or city policy.
   (B)   Council members.
      (1)   Officers elected. The membership of the Council shall be composed of one Council member from each ward and two Council members at large to be elected for terms of office of four years. At each regular municipal election, there shall be elected one Council member at large and one Council member from each ward in which the term of office of the Council member then representing the same is expiring at 12:00 p.m. of the second secular day in January following such election. The term of office of each Council member shall be four years.
      (2)   Compensation. Council members shall receive annual compensation of $5,200, payable in quarterly installments of $1,300. Council members shall also be paid quarterly the amount of $100 as reimbursement for local (county) use of the Council member’s vehicle for city business. This reimbursement is to cover local use of the Council member’s vehicle on city business only. Council members may request and receive reimbursement for out of county travel on city business in accordance with city policy.
   (C)   Hospital Board of Trustees.
      (1)   Members elected; term. Five Board of Trustees members shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city for the purpose of managing any hospital or hospitals that the city may now and hereafter own. The term of office of the Trustees shall be a period of four years. Terms of office of Trustees elected pursuant to general election shall begin at 12:00 p.m. on the first day in January which is not a Sunday or a legal holiday. Terms of office of Trustees shall extend to 12:00 p.m. of the first day of January which is not a Sunday or legal holiday or until successors are elected and qualified.
      (2)   Compensation. No Trustee shall receive any compensation for his or her services but may receive reimbursement for any necessary cash expense actually incurred while acting as such Trustee; provided an itemized statement of all such expenses and money paid out shall be made under oath by each of the Trustees making claim therefor, and filed with the Secretary and allowed and paid only by an affirmative vote of the full Board.
      (3)   Residence requirement. A candidate for hospital Trustee must be a resident of the hospital facility service area within the boundaries of the state at the time of the election at which the person’s name appears on the ballot.
      (4)   Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board of Trustees may, until the next general election, be filled by appointment by the remaining members of the Board of Trustees, unless within 14 days after the appointment is made, there is filed with the City Clerk a petition which requests a special election to fill the vacancy. Trustees who are appointed to fill a vacancy or who are elected at special elections shall serve the unexpired terms of office until their successors are elected or qualified.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-1) (Ord. 3.2, passed 6-3-1963; Ord. 185, passed 10-20-1975; Ord. 255, passed 5-10-1982; Ord. 267, passed 12-20-1982; Ord. 327, passed 1-6-1986; Ord. 403, passed 8-5-1991; Ord. 449, passed 10-18-1993; Ord. 467, passed 10-2-1995; Ord. 482, passed 10-6-1997; Ord. 591, passed 9-15-2003; Ord. 626, passed 6-6-2005; Ord. 635, passed 10-3-2005; Ord. 659, passed 9-4-2007; Ord. 807, passed 11-7-2016; Ord. 823, passed 10-16-2017; Ord. 870, passed 10-18-2021)
   Council members, see §§ 30.01 through 30.07
   Hospital Board of Trustees, see §§ 32.105 through 32.108
   Mayor, see §§ 30.20 through 30.31