It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile under the following circumstances:
   (A)   At a rate of speed greater than reasonable or proper under all existing circumstances;
   (B)   On public school grounds, park property, playgrounds, recreational areas and golf courses without express permission to do so by the proper public authority;
   (C)   In a manner so as to create loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb or interfere with the peace and quiet of other persons;
   (D)   In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the person or property of another or to cause injury or damage thereto; or
   (E)   Without having such snowmobile registered as required by Iowa Code §§ 321G.3 and 321G.4 or similarly registered under the laws of another state and without having obtained and affixed a user permit as required by Iowa Code §§ 321G.4A or 321G.4B.
(Prior Code, § 7-11-2) (Ord. 129, passed 12-21-1970; Ord. 799, passed 3-21-2016) Penalty, see § 72.999