(A)   There are hereby fixed and established controlled access facilities on the primary road system extension improvement, project FN-935, Primary Road No. 71, within the city described as follows: from Sta. 1799 + 00 to Sta. 1823 + 52.6 Sta. 0 + 00 and from Sta. 0 + 00 to Sta. 7 + 72, net length is 3,224.6 feet or 0.611 miles, regulating access to and from Sta. 1799 + 00 to Sta. 1823 + 52.6 Sta. 0 + 00 and from Sta. 0 + 00 to Sta. 7 + 72 abutting properties along said highway all in accordance with the plans for such improvement identified as Project No. FN-935 on file in the office of the Clerk.
   (B)   There are hereby fixed and established controlled access facilities on the primary road system extension improvement, Project No. F-729 Primary Road No. 18 within the city, described as follows: beginning on the north side of said primary road from Sta. 17 + 75.0 to north side at Sta. 35 + 40.7 and on both sides of said primary road from Sta. 35 + 40.7 to Sta. 43 + 90.7 (ECL) regulating access to and from all abutting properties along said primary road all in accordance with the plans for such improvement identified as Project No. F-729 on file in the office of the Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 7-12-4) (Ord. 100, passed 10-16-1961; Ord. 111, passed 6-7-1965)