(A)   Careless driving. Every person operating a vehicle shall drive the same in a reasonable and prudent manner, having due regard for the actual and potential hazards then existing, shall keep a proper outlook for such actual and potential hazards and shall keep his or her vehicle under control so as not to endanger or collide with person or property. Failure to observe any of the requirements hereof shall constitute careless driving.
   (B)   Nuisance driving. Any person who drives any vehicle in such a manner as to annoy, irritate or interfere with the rights of another person or persons is guilty of nuisance driving, or the causing of a vehicle to be accelerated, decelerated or turned in such a manner as to cause the tires to produce excessive or loud noises, except when necessary to prevent an accident.
   (C)   Vehicles on sidewalks. The driver of a vehicle shall not drive upon or within any sidewalk area except at a driveway.
   (D)   Clinging to vehicles. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on the streets of the city unless all passengers of said vehicles are inside said vehicle in the place intended for their accommodation. No person shall ride on the running board of a motor vehicle or in any other place not customarily used for carrying passengers. No person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, sled or toy vehicle shall attach same or himself or herself to any vehicle upon a roadway.
   (E)   Coasting. In the area between Park and 18th Streets and 1st Avenue East and 1st Avenue West, it shall be unlawful to coast or slide on any sidewalk, street or alley by means of any sled, coaster, wagon, roller skates or skateboards.
   (F)   Loud signals at night. Loud signaling devices shall not be used during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, unless absolutely necessary to avoid accidents.
(Prior Code, § 7-3-7) (Ord. 97.4, passed - -1967; Ord. 328, passed 2-3-1986) Penalty, see § 70.999