(A)   Storm sewer utility charges shall be delinquent when a charge has been unpaid for a period of two months following the billing date.
   (B)   Delinquent stormwater utility charges are a lien against the property served. When charges become delinquent, the city may certify the delinquent charges to the County Treasurer to be collected in the same manner as real property taxes, pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code § 384.84.
   (C)   (1)   A lien for stormwater utility charges shall not be certified to the County Treasurer for collection unless prior written notice of intent to certify a lien is given to the user. If the user is a tenant, and if the tenant has made a written request for notice, the notice shall also be given to the owner. The notice shall be sent to the appropriate persons by ordinary mail not less than ten days prior to certificate of the lien to the County Treasurer.
      (2)   (a)   Termination of service to a property or certification of delinquent storm sewer utility charges to the County Treasurer shall not be accomplished until ten days after a written notice is sent by ordinary mail by the city to the account holder, which notice shall include the amount of the delinquent charges and shall notify the account holder that, if the charges are not paid in full, service will be terminated and/or that the amount of the delinquent charges will be certified to the County Treasurer for collection. The notice shall further notify the account holder that a hearing may be requested before the City Manager prior to the discontinuance of service.
         (b)   If the account holder is a tenant and if the owner or landlord of the property has made a written request for notice to the city, the notice shall also be given to the owner or landlord.
   (D)   An administrative fee of $5 shall be added to the delinquent account certified to the County Treasurer for collection.
   (E)   In addition to the foregoing collection procedures, as authorized under Iowa Code § 384.84, the city shall also have and reserve the right to collect unpaid stormwater utility charges by filing an action for collection in the county small claims court.
(Prior Code, § 4-4B-5) (Ord. 492, passed 3-16-1998)