§ 51.07 MANHOLES.
   (A)   Permission required to open. It shall be unlawful to open or enter any manhole of the sewer system without first obtaining the express permission of the Public Works Director.
   (B)   Sampling. 
      (1)   Any commercial or industrial user discharging non-domestic or industrial wastes into the city’s sanitary sewers shall, if required by the city, construct a suitable sampling manhole, downstream from any treatment, storage tank or other approved works, to facilitate observations, continuous measurements and sampling of all such wastes. Continuous sampling shall be by an automatically operated sampling device. Continuous flow measurement shall be indicating, recording and totalizing. Where pH control is necessary, or where other waste characteristics require special control, suitable waste monitoring equipment shall be installed by the user to monitor and record those waste characteristics being controlled.
      (2)   The sampling manhole shall be accessible to authorized city personnel on a 24-hour basis, and it shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Public Works Director. The control structure shall be installed by the owner at his or her expense and shall be maintained by him or her so as to be safe, accessible and in operating condition at all times.
      (3)   In its sole discretion, the city may waive the requirement for a sampling manhole if the user agrees to pay wastewater service charges required under § 51.11, and that the strength of waste on which the service charge is based on tests made on similar wastes discharged by other industries of the same type, if such information is available; if not, by such other methods as the city may wish to employ. Whatever method is used for finding the strength of the waste, the determination of the city shall be binding as a basis for charges.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-7) (Ord. 215, passed 3-20-1977; Ord. 328, passed 1-3-1986; Ord. 687, passed 5-18-2009) Penalty, see § 51.99