§ 10.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Generally.
      (1)   Conviction of a violation of any provision of this code may result in the sentence of a fine not less than $105 and not to exceed $855. Criminal penalty surcharges imposed under state law shall be added to a city fine and are not a part of any fine imposed by the city.
      (2)   These penalties shall apply to every section of this code, as if the section were set out in every other section of this code.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-1)
   (B)   Separate offense. If a violation of this code is committed on more than one calendar day, a separate offense shall be deemed to have occurred on each such calendar day.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-2)
   (C)   Single offense. In cases where action or inaction is made punishable by more than one provision of this code, the city may select the provision or provisions of this code under which to proceed. In such a circumstance, a single offense shall result in no more than one conviction and penalty, subject to the provisions of division (B) above.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-3)
   (D)   Liability of officers. No provision of this code designating the duties of any officer or employee of the city shall be construed to make such officer or employee liable for any fine or penalty for a failure to perform such duty, unless the intention of the Council to impose such a penalty is specifically and clearly expressed in this code.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-4)
   (E)   License revocation; infraction charges; civil remedies. A violation of this code, in addition to the penalties provided in this chapter, may subject the violator to loss of license or permit, a municipal infraction charge, or other civil remedies provided in other sections of this code. Conviction and imposition of sentence under this chapter shall not bar any such other civil remedies.
(Prior Code, § 1-4-5)
(Ord. 825, passed 12-4-2017)
   Municipal infractions, see § 10.12