(A)   Assignment of official permanent property addresses.
      (1)   All residences, commercial, industrial, and public structures, located in the county shall be assigned a permanent city-type street address. Structures located on the south side of an east-west street/road, and those located on the east side of a north-south street/road, shall have an odd-numbered property address. Structures located on the north side of an east-west street/road, and those located on the west side of a north-south street/road, shall have an even number.
      (2)   In all situations, the County Planning Department shall make the final determination of which street/road will be used for an address. The criteria for this determination will be based on the layout of the property, layout of the structure, and other factors that may affect emergency services and mail delivery.
      (3)   Street addresses are to be assigned based on a measurement of the distance from the grid line to a line perpendicular to the address road/street that intersects one of the following: the structure, or the entrance to the property that contains the structure.
   (B)   Determining a property address. An official street address shall contain no more than five digits with the first digit, or the first two digits if the structure is located ten or more miles from the baseline, indicating the milepost or distance from the baselines. The third digit from the right shall indicate the block number which will change each 528 linear feet. The last two digits indicate the number of 10.56-foot intervals from the structure to the nearest block or grid line.
   (C)   Placement and size of address numbers.
      (1)   Once a property address has been assigned by the County Planning Department to a specific structure, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to provide visible and current address numbers on both the structure and on the mailbox.
      (2)   The letters and numbers on the mailbox shall be in compliance with the U.S. Postal Service regulations and recommendations. The house numbers shall be at least three inches in height. The color of the numbering shall be in contrast to its background. The address shall be placed on both sides of the mailbox. In cases where an address is considered an “out of bounds” address, the address name of the road/street shall also be placed on both sides of the mailbox.
      (3)   The letters and numbers placed on structures shall be at least three inches in height. The letters and numbers shall be placed on the main level in a location which faces the street upon which it is addressed, and near a main entry way and placed higher than the height of the entry way, the color of the lettering shall be in contrast to its background. If side or back entry ways open to a street, road, or alley different from the address, the side of the structure shall also have the full address, including the address road/street name, properly displayed.
      (4)   In situations where the mailbox is not located at the entrance to the property, and address numbers on the structure are not easily visible from the road, a sign displaying the address with at least three inches lettering shall be placed at the entrance to the property. The lettering color shall be in contrast to its background. An alternative method shall be to paint the address on the curb in front of the structure. The lettering on the curb shall be at least three inches in height in black with a white background.
      (5)   (a)   An address may be assigned to agricultural buildings and other structures, and to lots and parcels, including tillable acreage, on which a residence, commercial, industrial, or public structure is not situated.
         (b)   An address shall only be assigned to an agricultural building, structure, vacant lot, or parcel upon request by the owner of record.
(Ord. 1994-9, passed 7-19-1994; Ord. 2018-11, passed 10-2-2018)