(A)   Office holders and department heads shall not use county funds, and shall not present claims for payment of any beverages, snacks, or foods to the County Auditor or Board of Commissioners for payment or reimbursement, except for the following.
      (1)   The County Health Department may provide items if medically necessary in the ordinary course of its nursing operations.
      (2)   The county may provide items of beverages and snacks for events where the county employees and their families on the county health plans are providing blood draws for part of its wellness or other health-related programs.
      (3)   Any other office who is required by law to provide food and beverages, such as:
         (a)   The court, for jurors;
         (b)   The Sheriff, for inmates;
         (c)   The EMA, in an emergency;
         (d)   The EMS, in its provision of medical services; and
         (e)   Any other event or item that is approved in advance by the County Board of Commissioners in an open meeting.
   (B)   Any office holder or department head, not excepted above, who chooses to make beverages, snacks, or food items available in their offices shall do so without charge of any kind to the county government.
   (C)   This shall not restrict provision of beverages or food items to individuals who will pay for the items as used, or that are paid for by donations received for that purpose from individuals or entities where no conflict of interest results.
   (D)   Any outside contributions to beverage or food received by any office shall be disclosed to the County Auditor within 30 days of receipt on forms provided by the Auditor.
(Res. 2015-01, passed 6-16-2015)