(A) The following categories are designated for pre-payment procedures:
(1) Property or services purchased or leased from the United States government, its agencies, or its political subdivisions;
(2) License or permit fees;
(3) Insurance premiums;
(4) Utility payments or utility connection charges;
(5) Grants of state funds authorized by statute;
(6) Bond or coupon payments;
(7) Payroll;
(8) State or federal taxes;
(9) Unemployment claims;
(10) Expenses that must be paid because of emergency circumstances;
(11) Conference registrations approved by the Board of Commissioners; and
(12) Postage.
(B) (1) Pursuant to state code, each payment of expenses must be supported by a fully-itemized invoice or bill and certification by the County Auditor. The Board of Commissioners shall review and allow the claims at its next regular or special meeting following the pre-approved payment of the expense.
(2) A payment of expenses under this section must be published in the manner provided in I.C. 36-2-6-3 whereby the County Auditor shall publish all claims for consideration of the County Executive at least three days before each session of the Board of Commissioners in which the Commissioners approve claims.
(Ord. 2002-13, passed 10-7-2002)