(A)   General. The County Board of Health is empowered to establish and collect fees in accordance with the following definitions and provisions.
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. An agent in principal of the Board and Health Officer, as provided in I.C. 16-20-1-14.
      BOARD. The County Board of Health, as provided for in I.C. 16-1-5-1.
      HEALTH OFFICER. The County Health Officer, as provided for in I.C. 16-1-5-2.
      PERSON. Any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, or association.
   (C)   Fees for services. The Board of Health, having jurisdiction, may charge a service fee not in excess of the cost for providing to any person the following services:
      (1)   Home healthcare, as prescribed within the meaning of § 1881(o) of the Social Security Act, being 42 U.S.C. 1395rr, for a home health agency, and as authorized by the State Board of Health, I.C. 16-1-3-28;
      (2)   For any personal health service provided through the County Health Department including, but not limited to, the chest clinic, as authorized by I.C. 16-1-4-24;
      (3)   For services provided by the County Health Department in providing a copy of a certificate of birth and death, pursuant to I.C. 16-1-4-24;
      (4)   For services provided in the inspection of public eating and drinking establishments, retail food markets, itinerant food stands, and semi-public food service establishments to obtain a permit for license for food markets and eating and drinking establishments, as required by the county, as authorized by I.C. 18-1-1-.5-7 and I.C. 17-2-22-2; and
      (5)   For supervision and inspection of sanitary installations, as required by the county, as authorized by I.C. 17-2-22-3.
   (D)   Collection accounting and disposition.
      (1)   The Board shall collect such fees established as a part of this section in accordance with the schedule designated under division (F) below.
      (2)   All fees collected by the Board shall be accounted for in detail for each program service area.
      (3)   All fees collected by the Board shall be transferred to the County Health Fund. The monies collected in accord with the provisions of this section shall be used only for the maintenance or future expansion of the specific program services from which they are derived.
      (4)   Fees collected for health services provided to individuals in other county health jurisdictions, and involving payment from county tax revenue, shall be collected in accord with an agreement pursuant to I.C. 16-1-4-22, as amended by Pub. Law 53, Acts of 1974.
   (E)   Schedule of fees.
Type of Service
Environmental health services
Food service establishment license
Other (specify)
Septic system permit
Water sample
Home health agency services
Home care
Home health aide visit
Licensed practical nurse visit
Other (specify)
Physical therapist visit
Registered nurse
Personal health services
Immunization (specify)
Other (specify)
Tuberculosis (specify)
Venereal disease
Vital record services
Birth certificates (per copy)
Death certificates (per copy)
Other (specify)
Research records (family history)
Type certificate copy
$1 (each name)
$1 (each copy)
(Ord. 1979-03, passed 8-6-1979)