Sec. 10-121. Definition.
   For the purposes of this article, the term "contractor" shall be defined as any person, firm or corporation who is engaged in the act of *construction, supervision of *construction, or excavation on any property within the licensing jurisdiction of the City of Spearfish. A licensed contractor shall be required on all *construction other than that which is owned and occupied by permittee as his/her primary residence or is an existing commercial structure under his/her ownership.
   *Construction: For the purposes of this article, the term "construction" shall include, but is not limited to, cement or concrete contracting; masonry contracting; carpenter contracting; excavation contracting; all building trade contracting which includes within limitation to electrical, plumbing, roofing, painting, remodeling, siding, rough framing; all phases of new construction; alterations, additions, repairs and demolition of structures; street, sidewalk and pavement contracting and any items requiring a permit within the licensing jurisdictional limits of the City of Spearfish.
(Code 1982, § 12-200; Ord. No. 880, 4-17-00; Ord. No. 894, 2-20-01)
   Cross reference- Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.