The permittee shall have the right, so long as its permit is in force and effect, to utilize the streets of the township to the extent set forth in its application, or as otherwise provided by the Board in its permit for the transmission of television and radio and other signals as herein authorized from its antenna location or locations to the premises of subscribers. The permittee may erect all such wires, cables and appurtenances in the said streets subject to approval of the Township Board of the placement of any such poles, or the permittee may, at its option, authorize, subject to the same conditions as to the placement of poles, the installation of such cables and appurtenances by others on a lease, rental, fee or other basis, and all such wires, cables, conduits, appurtenances and poles placed or installed by others for the use of the permittee shall exist and continue to exist solely by authority of the permission granted to said permittee.
(Prior Code, § 12.057) (Ord. 011486, passed 1-14-1986)