All parcels located within the district, and to which this section is not applicable, which were not assessed on a special assessment roll or whose owners otherwise requested that a service connection or lateral not be extended to the parcel at the time the sewer was constructed may, upon application of its owners, be connected to the public sewer. Such application shall be approved by the township and the Township’s Engineer, who shall determine the exact location and method of cutting into the public sewer and the materials to be used. The owner(s) of the parcel shall obtain all necessary permission to work in the public right-of-way from the township and the county’s Road Commission and shall be responsible for payment of all costs related to construction of the building drain, building sewer and service connection, connection of the building sewer to the service connection including, but not limited to, actual construction costs, backfill, restoration and replacement costs; and all applicable permit, inspection fees and connection fees.
(Prior Code, § 70.003) (Ord. 92-2, effective 4-23-1992)