§ 154.321 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ARRAY. Any number of electrically connected photovoltaic (PV) modules providing a single electrical output.
   BUILDING INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC (BIPV) SYSTEMS. A solar energy system that consists of integrating photovoltaic modules into the building structure, such as the roof, wall or the facade, and which does not alter the relief of the roof.
   GROUND-MOUNTED SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system that is installed directly in the ground and is not attached or affixed to an existing building or similar structure.
   ONSITE SOLAR SYSTEM. A solar energy system mounted on a building or on the ground and located on a parcel containing a principal use. An onsite solar system is considered an accessory use of the parcel and provides its electricity or heat only to uses on the parcel.
   PHOTOVOLTAIC (TV) SYSTEMS. A solar energy system that produces electricity by the use of semiconductor devices, called photovoltaic cells, which generate electricity whenever sunlight strikes them.
   ROOFTOP SOLAR SYSTEM. A solar energy system in which solar panels are mounted on top of a roof, either as a flush-mounted system or as modules fixed to frames which can be tilted.
   SOLAR ACCESS. The right of a property owner to have sunlight shine onto the property owner’s land.
   SOLAR COLLECTOR. A solar photovoltaic cell, panel, or array, or solar hot air or water collector device, which relies upon solar radiation as an energy source for the generation of electricity or transfer of stored heat.
   SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM (SES). Solar collectors, controls, energy storage devices, heat pumps, heat exchangers, and other materials, hardware or equipment necessary to the process by which solar radiation is collected, converted into another form of energy, stored, protected from unnecessary dissipation, and distributed. Solar systems include solar thermal, photovoltaic, and concentrated solar. This definition does not include small devices or equipment such as solar powered lawn or building lights which house both the solar energy generation system and the system which uses that energy to operate.
   SOLAR FARM. A solar energy system which is the principal use of a parcel and which is designed and constructed to produce electrical energy for sale back into an electrical energy grid system and not consumed on site.
   SOLAR PANEL. A device for the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity.
   SOLAR-THERMAL SYSTEMS. A system, which through the use of sunlight, heats water or other liquids for such purposes as space heating and cooling, domestic hot water or heating pool water.
   WALL-MOUNTED SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system that is installed flush to the surface of the wall of a permanent building.
(Ord. 2020-01 passed - -2020)
   (A)   This section applies to solar energy systems to be installed and constructed after the effective date this section.
   (B)   Lawful solar energy systems constructed prior to the effective date of this section shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section; provided that any structural change, upgrade or modification to an existing solar energy system that materially alters the size, location or placement of such system shall comply with the provisions of this section.
   (C)   The granting of any permit for a solar energy system does not constitute solar access rights.
   (D)   A solar energy system shall be constructed and placed so it does not create a glare for persons off site.
   (E)   A solar energy system shall be properly maintained at all times. Such maintenance shall include measures to maintain the original appearance of each structure, ensuring that the solar panels do not leak and that the ground cover beneath the panels does not become a visual nuisance.
   (F)   Solar energy systems shall be installed, maintained, and used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. A copy of such directions shall be submitted to the township prior to installation.
   (G)   Solar energy systems, and the installation and use thereof, shall comply with the township Building Code and the landowner shall obtain all applicable county, state and federal permits.
   (H)   Any SES that is not operated for a continuous period of nine months as determined by the township shall be considered abandoned or non-functional and subject for removal. Upon a determination by the township that a SES should be decommissioned and within 90 days of receipt of written notification from the township, the owner/operator shall begin to remove the SES from the site and proceed promptly toward completion in accordance with the approved decommissioning plan.
(Ord. 2020-01 passed - -2020)
   (A)   Roof and wall mounted SES are a permitted use in all zoning districts and are subject to review and approval by the Zoning Administrator. Applicants shall submit an accurate sketch plan to the Zoning Administrator providing the location of the building, location of the SES, the height of the SES including a data sheet and installation instructions from the equipment manufacturer and other information as requested by the Zoning Administrator. The applicant shall provide information on the type of solar panel to be used and any hazardous chemicals contained in the solar panels and measures to prevent leakage.
   (B)   A roof mounted SES shall not project more than five feet above the highest point of the roof, and in any case, shall not exceed the maximum building height limitation for the zoning district in which it is located, and shall not project beyond the eaves of the roof.
   (C)   Each roof and wall mounted SES shall be securely and safely attached to a building or structure. Proof of the safety and reliability of the means of such attachment shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator prior to installation along with information that the roof is capable of supporting the equipment. Such proof shall be subject to the Zoning Administrator’s approval.
   (D)   Each wall-mounted SES shall not exceed the height of the building wall to which it is attached.
   (E)   Each wall-mounted SES shall not be mounted on a building wall that faces upon a public or private street.
(Ord. 2020-01 passed - -2020)