An applicant for a WISP that requires a special use permit shall submit an application on a form provided by the township and shall also submit the following information and materials:
   (A)   A description of the WISP(s) to be installed and its design, including cross-section and elevation drawings and a diagram of how the tower will be anchored to the ground;
   (B)   A statement from the applicant that the WISP will be installed in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications;
   (C)   Engineered drawings of the tower and a copy of the manufacturer’s specifications;
   (D)   A description of the tower maintenance program;
   (E)   A decommissioning plan explaining the process to be undertaken by the applicant for tearing down the tower and removing all tower equipment, materials and structures and restoring the site so it can be used by a use permitted in that zoning district;
   (F)   Security measures including emergency contact personnel;
   (G)   Ten copies of a site plan accurately drawn at a scale of not more than one inch equals 100 feet; however, a larger scale may be accepted by the Planning Commission depending upon the size of the parcel. The site plan shall contain at a minimum the following information unless specifically waived by the Planning Commission:
      (1)   The date on which the site plan was prepared;
      (2)   A north arrow and legal description of the property;
      (3)   The area and dimensions of the parcel containing the WISP including any area leased for the WISP;
      (4)   A location map sufficient to show the character of the area surrounding the proposed WISP and the zoning and land use on adjacent properties;
      (5)   The height of the tower and its distance to all property lines;
      (6)   Any buildings or structures existing on the parcel;
      (7)   The distance to the closest building on adjacent property;
      (8)   The location of any overhead transmission lines on the site or on adjacent property that might be affected by the tower;
      (9)   Guy wires, guy wire anchors and any other tower supporting structure or device;
      (10)   Type and height of fencing to be installed around the tower or an equipment building;
      (11)   Elevation drawings of any buildings designed to serve the tower;
      (12)   Access road; width and construction standards along with access easement; and
      (13)   Any lighting proposed to be located on the tower.
   (H)   Additional information as required by §§ 154.185 through 154.194 of this chapter, or as may be required by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. passed 7-12-2012, § 4.14)