(A)   If desired by the applicant, a final site plan may be submitted for review without first receiving preliminary site plan approval. Application for final site plan review shall be made in accordance with the application procedures of this subchapter, and shall be reviewed in accordance with the same procedures for preliminary site plans.
   (B)   Final site plans whether submitted to the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator (as may be required by this subchapter) shall be drawn at a scale of not more than one inch to 100 feet and shall contain the following information unless specifically waived by the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator (as the case may be):
      (1)   The date on which the site plan was prepared;
      (2)   The name, address and professional seal of the architect, landscape architect, engineer or professional surveyor who prepared the plan;
      (3)   A north arrow and legal description based upon the most current survey;
      (4)   Property lines, dimensions and building setback distances and all structures, lot lines and wetlands within 100 feet of the site;
      (5)   Existing and proposed topographic elevations at two-foot intervals on the site and to a distance of 50 feet outside the boundary lines of the site;
      (6)   Direction of storm water drainage and how storm water runoff will be handled, as well as a statement describing where storm water will be ultimately discharged such as a creek, stream, lake or wetland;
      (7)   Location of existing and proposed buildings, their intended use, the length, width and height of each building, and the square footage and finished floor elevation of each building;
      (8)   Location of abutting streets, rights-of-way, service drives, curb cuts and access easements serving the site, as well as driveways opposite the site and driveways within 100 feet on either side of the site. Also driveway width, curb radii and design of proposed deceleration lanes;
      (9)   Location and size of all water and sanitary sewer lines and storm drainage lines as well as fire hydrants and catch basins, and location of septic tanks and drain fields, and utility easements;
      (10)   Location and type of all sidewalks, bike paths and other walkways;
      (11)   Location, type and size of any walls, fences or other screening devices;
      (12)   Location of all proposed landscape materials, including size and type of plantings;
      (13)   Location, size and height of all proposed accessory structures, flagpoles, storage sheds, transformers, dumpsters or trash removal areas or devices, and methods of screening, and existing and proposed utility poles. Rooftop or outdoor equipment shall also be indicated, including proposed methods of screening where appropriate;
      (14)   Proposed parking areas and access drives showing the number and dimensions of spaces and aisles, loading areas, handicapped access ramps and the method of surfacing such areas;
      (15)   Exterior lighting showing areas of illumination and type of fixtures as well as the method of shielding lights from adjacent properties and roadways;
      (16)   Location and type of significant existing vegetation, watercourses and waterbodies including county drains and human-made surface drainage ways, floodplains and wetlands. Vegetation that is to be retained on the site must be illustrated;
      (17)   Location of existing and proposed slopes that are 20% or greater;
      (18)   Zoning and land use on adjacent properties;
      (19)   Location and specifications for any existing or proposed above or below ground storage facilities for any chemicals, salts, flammable materials or hazardous materials as well as any containment structures or clear zones required by this chapter or by state or federal agencies;
      (20)   The Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator may request architectural elevation drawings of a building and cross-section drawings of the site; and
      (21)   Small-scale sketch of properties, streets and zoned uses of land within one-half mile of the site.
   (C)   The final site plan for developments that have been proposed in phases shall generally conform to the approved preliminary plan.
   (D)   (1)   The Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator (as applicable) may require written statements relative to the effects of the proposed use on the traffic capacity and safety of existing streets, and the proposed development’s impact on schools, existing utilities, the environment and natural features.
      (2)   In addition, the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator (as applicable) may require additional studies, graphics or other written materials from the applicant in order to assist in determining the appropriateness of the site plan.
(Ord. passed 7-12-2012, § 6.11)