(A) In accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission (where applicable) shall review and approve, deny or approve with conditions a site plan for the proposed development, activity, or use prior to the issuance of any permits for the creation of a use or the erection or expansion of a building in the zoning districts and as specified in this subchapter.
(B) No use, activity, building or structure that requires site plan approval shall be commenced, conducted, expanded or constructed until and unless site plan approval has occurred.
(C) The Zoning Administrator shall review and approve, approve with conditions or deny a site plan for all of the following uses:
(1) Any multi-family residential development (not involving a special use, plat, PUD, OS-PUD or conditional rezoning);
(2) Any use in the C-1 General Commercial Zoning District;
(3) Any use in the C-2 Highway Commercial Zoning District;
(4) Any use in the I-1 Light Industrial Zoning District;
(5) Any use in the I-2 Heavy Industrial Zoning District;
(6) Any use within the Ap Airport Zoning District (unless provided otherwise in this chapter);
(8) Essential services;
(9) Any commercial, industrial, business or office use (unless a special use, PUD, OS-PUD or conditional rezoning is involved);
(10) Home occupations;
(11) State licensed residential family care facilities and family day care homes; and
(12) Any expansion, enlargement or change to any of the preceding.
(D) The Planning Commission shall approve, deny or approve with conditions a site plan regarding any of the following uses:
(1) Any mobile home park;
(2) Any site plan associated with a special use in any zoning district;
(3) Any plat;
(4) Condominiums, site condominiums and subdivisions in any zoning district;
(5) Any site plan associated with a PUD;
(6) Any site plan associated with an OS-PUD; and
(7) Any expansion, enlargement or change to any of the preceding.
(E) The Zoning Administrator shall have the discretion to forward a site plan to the Planning Commission for any site plan normally within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Administrator if the Zoning Administrator determines that the site plan and proposed use involve matters of significant public interest and that the Planning Commission may be better equipped to deal with the particular site plan involved. Should such referral occur with regard to a particular site plan, all the provisions in this subchapter applicable to Planning Commission review of a site plan (including the standards for review and approval by the Planning Commission) shall apply.
(Ord. passed 7-12-2012, § 6.2)