(A) Modifications of existing regulations. The lot area, lot width, building height, dimensional, setback, and yard requirements, general provisions, and parking regulations contained in this chapter that would apply for the zoning district in which the uses or uses proposed are normally allowed shall be met except that the Township Board following a recommendation from the Planning Commission may increase, decrease or otherwise modify these regulations, as may be requested by the applicant, in order to achieve the goals and objectives of this subchapter; however, all development shall comply with the density requirements and setback requirements detailed in § 154.080. Other criteria that shall be used in making these determinations shall include the following:
(1) Whether the modifications requested will result in a project that better satisfies the intent and objectives of this subchapter;
(2) The modification shall be compatible with adjacent existing and future land uses and shall not significantly adversely affect the use and enjoyment of nearby property;
(3) The modification will result in the preservation of existing vegetation or other natural features on site;
(4) The modification is necessary due to topography, natural features or other unusual aspects of the site;
(5) The modification will improve or not impede emergency vehicle and personnel access;
(6) The modification will improve or not impede adequate pedestrian circulation; and
(7) The modification shall not result in traffic or other safety hazards; shall not result in visual blight, distraction or clutter; and shall not otherwise result in a detriment to the public health, safety or general welfare.
(B) The proposed development shall also comply with the requirements of § 154.072.
(Ord. passed 7-12-2012, § 11.5; Ord. 2022-1, passed 1-13-2022)