(A) Drainage. Catch basins and storm sewers of a size specified by the county’s Road Commission and outletting from the subdivision in a method, and to a drainage system, approved by the county’s Drain Commissioner. The drainage system may also be approved by the Township Engineer.
(B) Electric and telephone conduits. Underground electrical and telephone conduits together with connection terminals available at each lot.
(C) Street lights. Street lights may be required by the township’s Planning Commission in accordance with the rules of Consumers Power Company.
(D) Gas service. Where available, gas distribution lines beneath the street prior to the paving and curbing of any street, at locations adequate to serve each lot by connections thereto without the further installation of gas lines beneath such streets.
(E) Sidewalks. The Planning Commission may recommend, and the Township Board may approve, sidewalks in accordance with the standards of the county’s Road Commission. In considering the need for sidewalks, the following criteria shall be considered:
(1) The amount of current and future pedestrian traffic passing by the site;
(2) Whether a sidewalk would enhance the safety of pedestrians currently walking by the site, as well as the safety of future pedestrians;
(3) The existing and future volume of traffic on the street abutting the site;
(4) The existence or probability of sidewalks being constructed on adjacent properties in order to create or complete a usable sidewalk system;
(5) The location of the proposed use; and
(6) The location of pedestrian attractors such as schools, churches, public buildings and shopping opportunities.
(F) Monuments. Monuments shall be located in the ground at all angles along the boundaries of the project. These monuments shall be made of solid iron or steel bars at least one-half inch in diameter and 36 inches long and completely encased in concrete at least four inches in diameter. All corners of lots within a project shall be staked in the field by iron or steel bars or iron pipes at least 18 inches long and one-half inch in diameter or other markers as approved by the township’s Building Inspector.
(G) Street signs. Street signs shall be placed at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision. The name, type and location shall be specified or approved by the county’s Road Commission.
(Prior Code, § 101.054) (Ord. 93-7, effective 1-20-1994)