(A)   Preliminary project plan. A preliminary project plan shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements noted below. Such a drawing shall be drawn at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch:
      (1)   The name of the project; the name, address and phone number of the proprietor; the name, address and seal of the surveyor, and a description of the property to be subdivided;
      (2)   A key map showing the location and position of the property and its relationship to surrounding streets and the surrounding area, including existing zoning of abutting areas;
      (3)   North arrow, scale, contour interval and legend when appropriate;
      (4)   Contour elevations adjusted to USGS datum at not more than five-foot intervals;
      (5)   Where appropriate, established floodplain contours and elevations adjusted to USGS datum;
      (6)   The location of all existing streets, lots, plats, public utilities, drains, streams or bodies of water on/or abutting the property;
      (7)   The outlines, intended layout and intended use of the entire property owned or represented by the proprietor. The following shall be included:
         (a)   Street and stub street right-of-way location, width and curve radii;
         (b)   Proposed street names; and
         (c)   Lot lines, lot line dimensions to the nearest foot, lot and block numbers and lot areas to the nearest 100 square feet.
      (8)   The location and dimensions of all existing or proposed easements or reserve strips, including electrical, telephone and cable television easements;
      (9)   The location of any and all general and limited common elements;
      (10)   The use and occupancy restrictions and maintenance provisions for all general common elements as will be contained in a master deed, or other document which imposes rights, obligations and/or restrictions on the owners or users of the lots;
      (11)   The locations and tentative sizes of proposed sanitary sewers, storm sewers and catch basins, water mains, culverts, bridges, ponding area, ponds, lagoons; and
      (12)   Statements regarding:
         (a)   Provisions for water and sanitary sewer or septic systems;
         (b)   Zoning setback and lot size requirements;
         (c)   Type of street;
         (d)   Intent to install gas, sidewalks, street lights and shade trees; and
         (e)   Use of waterways, rivers, streams, creeks, lakes or ponds.
(Prior Code, § 101.041)
   (B)   Final plan.
      (1)   The final project plan shall contain the same information as required for the preliminary project plan, plus any additional information required by the Planning Commission in its review. The final project plan shall also conform to the requirements of any other reviewing agencies listed in § 152.025 of this chapter.
      (2)   The final project plan shall also be accompanied by or show the following information:
         (a)   One set of approved as-built or final construction plans for all required improvements to be kept on file by the township;
         (b)   One copy of the site condominium master deed and by-laws and any other deed restrictions or restrictive covenants applying to the property;
         (c)   Deeds to any properties to be dedicated to the township;
         (d)   Performance or installation agreements for any improvements not controlled or regulated by other agencies, such as sidewalks, street lights or shade trees; and
         (e)   One copy of any financing arrangements between the township and the proprietor for the installation of required improvements.
(Prior Code, § 101.042) (Ord. 93-7, effective 1-20-1994)