(A)   The charges for excesses of the constituents listed in § 51.087 will be based upon the "mass emission rate" of those constituents and determined thusly:
Mass Emission Rate, MER () = MG x C x 8.34
MER is the mass emission rate in pounds of a particular constituent;
—MG is the millions of gallons of wastewater discharged; and
—C is the concentration in mg/l of the particular constituent being charged for (as an example) B.O.D., C.O.D. and the like and 8.34 is equal to the number of pounds/one gallon of water.
   (B)   The amount of the charge in dollars will be calculated thusly:
Ao = R x MER ()
Ao is equal to the amount of the charge in dollars;
R is equal to the rate of charge per lb. of constituent; and
MER () is equal to the lbs. of a constituent.
   (C)   An example of surcharge: Cannon's Corporation is a producer of canned fruits. They discharged 1,000,000 gallons of wastewater in the month January. Analysis found that the wastewater had the following characteristics: BOD = 400 mg/l; T.S.S. = 950 mg/l. There were no other limitations exceeded in this example. There were 100 BOD(5) = $380 per 1,000 lbs. in excess of 250 mg/l, T.S.S. = $330 per 1,000 lbs. in excess of 250 mg/l, total oil and grease = $100 per 1,000 lbs. in excess of 40 mg/l .
(Prior Code, § C.2.38)