There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any building, or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, seats or floor area; or before conversion from one type of use or occupancy to another, permanent off-street parking space in the amount specified by this section. The parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded open space.
   (A)   Certification of minimum parking requirements. Each application for a zoning permit submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Officer, as provided for in this chapter, shall include a scale drawing and other information as to the location and dimensions of off-street parking and loading space and the means of entrance and exit to the space. This information shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Zoning Enforcement Officer to determine whether or not the requirements of this section are met.
   (B)   Minimum off-street parking requirements. The following off-street parking spaces shall be required:
Required Off-Street Parking
Required Off-Street Parking
Residential and Related Uses
Any residential use consisting of 1 or more dwelling units
2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit
Customary home occupations
In addition to residence requirements, 1 parking space per 100 square feet devoted to the home occupation use
Mobile homes
2 spaces for each mobile home
Rooming and boarding houses
1 space for each 3 guest rooms, plus 1 additional space for the owners or managers
Institutional Public and Semipublic Uses
Every building or structure used for business, trade or industry hereafter erected shall provide space as indicated herein for the loading and unloading of vehicles off the street or public alley. The space shall have access to an alley, or if there is no alley, to a street. For the purposes of this section, an off-street loading space shall have a minimum dimension of 12 feet by 40 feet and an overhead clearance of 14 feet in height above the alley or street grade
Churches and funeral homes
1 space for each 4 seats in the main chapel
Elementary school and junior high, both public and private
1 space for each school employee
1 space for each 4 patient beds, plus 1 space for each staff or visiting doctor, plus 1 space for each 4 employees
1 space for each 4 seats provided for patron use
Medical offices and clinics
4 spaces for each doctor practicing at the clinic, plus 1 space for each employee
Places of public assembly including private clubs and lodges, auditoriums, dance halls, pool halls, theaters, stadiums, gymnasiums, amusement parks, community centers and all similar places of public assembly
1 space for each 4 fixed seats provided for patron use, plus 1 space for each 100 square feet of floor or ground area used for amusement or assembly, but not including fixed seats
Rescue squads and armories
Parking space equivalent to 3 times the floor space in the main building
Sanitariums, rest and convalescent homes, homes for the aged and similar institutions
1 space for each 6 patient beds, plus 1 space for each staff or visiting doctor, plus 1 space for each employee
Senior high schools and colleges, both public and private
1 space for each 2 students for whom the school was designed, plus 1 space for each employee
Business Uses
Every building or structure used for business, trade or industry hereafter erected shall provide space as indicated herein for the loading and unloading of vehicles off the street or public alley. The space shall have access to an alley, or if there is no alley, to a street. For the purposes of this section, an off-street loading space shall have a minimum dimension of 12 feet by 40 feet and an overhead clearance of 14 feet in height above the alley or street grade
Automobile sales and repair garages
1 space for each 2 employees at maximum employment on a single shift, plus 2 spaces for each 300 square feet of repair or maintenance space
Hotels, motels, tourist homes and tourist courts
1 space for each rental unit, plus 1 additional space for each employee on shift of largest employment
Offices, business, professional, public, including banks
1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Restaurants, brewpubs, microbreweries
1 space for each 3 seating accommodations, plus 1 space for each employee on shift of largest employment
Restaurants, drive-in
Parking space equivalent to 5 times the floor space in the main building
Retail business and consumer service outlets
1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Service stations
2 spaces for each gas pump, plus 3 spaces for each grease rack or similar facility
Shopping centers
3 square feet of parking space for each square foot of gross floor area
Manufacturing and Wholesale
Every building or structure used for business, trade or industry hereafter erected shall provide space as indicated herein for the loading and unloading of vehicles off the street or public alley. The space shall have access to an alley, or if there is no alley, to a street. For the purposes of this section, an off-street loading space shall have a minimum dimension of 12 feet by 40 feet and an overhead clearance of 14 feet in height above the alley or street grade
Industrial and wholesale operations
1 loading space for each 10,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof
Manufacturing, industrial and wholesale operations
3 spaces for each 4 employees at maximum employment on a single shift
Retail operations
1 loading space for each 5,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof
(Ord. passed 9-10-1984; Ord. passed 11-7-2017)