(A) Any person or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision road which is to be dedicated as public must submit the following information to the District Engineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by G.S. § 136-102.6. (See § 155.017.)
(B) If the new subdivision road (to be dedicated as public or private) will connect to a state system road, a driveway permit/encroachment agreement authorizing construction on state right-of-way must be obtained from the Division of Highways before beginning any construction. Applications should be made to the District Engineer having jurisdiction in the area.
(C) The appropriate District Engineer's Office can be determined from the listing referenced in § 155.001.
(1) Three complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. Additional copies may be required by the District Engineer's Office.
(2) Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan.
(3) Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, P.I. station, vertical curve length and k-value, on site layout plan. Existing ground profile along centerline should also be included.
(5) Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required. A copy of U.S. Geodetic Survey or other contour mapping showing drainage areas are also required. (NOTE: A sample standard pipe sizing chart is shown in § 155.022 or any generally accepted industry standard containing the same information as shown in the example may be used.)
(6) Four copies of the recorded plat are to be furnished to the District Engineer after certification or upon application for state maintenance.
(D) (1) On new subdivision roads lot lines should not extend beyond the right-of-way.
(2) See State Transportation and Highway Laws, G.S. Ch. 136, Art. 7, § 136-102.6 for additional information on right-of-way width and lot lines. (See § 155.017.)
(E) When property is subdivided along existing state maintained roads the lot lines may extend beyond the right-of-way subject to the property owner's discretion.
(F) A minimum of four separate site plans for driveway permits will be required prior to construction within NCDOT right-of-way. (See § 155.021.)
(G) Copy of erosion control plans and permit, approved by Department of Environment and Natural Resources or local government, may be required by the District Engineer. (See § 155.020.)
(H) Utility encroachment agreements required prior to addition of road to state system. (For agreement forms, please contact District Engineer.)
(Ord. passed 1-1-2000)
(A) General.
(1) A subdivision road is one that serves a parcel or tract of land that is subdivided into two or more lots, building sites or other divisions for sale or building development for residential purposes where the subdivisions include a new road or change in an existing road.
(2) Subdivision roads shall be designated public or private. Public designations shall be built to minimum construction standards of the State Department of Transportation as required under G.S. § 136-102.6. (See § 155.017.) Private roads need not meet minimum construction requirements, but must meet minimum construction requirements before ever becoming a part of the state maintained system.
(B) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
LOCAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ROAD. Either cul-de-sacs, loop roads, roads that do not connect thoroughfares or serve major traffic generators.
(a) CUL-DE-SACS. These are very short roads, open at one end only, with a special provision for turning around. They have a "bulb" end design with a specific turning radii and a limited number of lots.
(b) DEAD END ROADS. These are roads less than 2,500 feet in length, open at one end only without special provisions for turning around and have no collector characteristics.
(c) LOOP ROADS. A road that has its beginning and ending points on the same route. It is less than one mile in length and has no collector characteristics.
(d) OTHER ROADS. These roads do not connect thoroughfares or serve major traffic generators and do not have "collector" characteristics.
(e) SHORT CONNECTING ROADS. These roads are normally one block long or extend on a block-by-block basis and have no collector characteristics.
RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ROADS. A road which serves as the connecting street between local residential roads and the thoroughfare system.
(a) CONNECTING ROADS. The roads which serve as the connecting road system between other roads within the subdivision and the thoroughfare system.
(b) DEAD END ROADS. These roads are more than 2,500 feet in length, open at one end only without special provisions for turning around, and have collector characteristics.
(c) LOOP ROADS. A road that has its beginning and ending points on the same route. It is more than one mile in length and has collector characteristics.
(d) OTHER ROADS. These are other roads having a "collector" type function in the thoroughfare system.
(e) SUBDIVISION ACCESS ROAD. This is a road built through vacant property to provide access to the property being developed. This road would not have lots platted along it.
(C) Requirements for addition of subdivision roads to the system.
(1) The minimum construction standards and other requirements in this chapter must be a part of the proposal to be reviewed for approval prior to development in order for a plat to be recorded by the County Register of Deeds.
(2) A petition for addition (DOT Form SR-1) is required from the developer and/or property owners. (See § 155.018.)
(3) Developers or property owners must dedicate the right-of-way, as indicated in the minimum design and construction criteria section of this chapter, free of charge and clear of all encumbrances.
(4) Utility adjustments or relocation to conform to Division of Highways' requirements (see Policy and Procedures for Accommodating Utility on Highway Rights-of-Way) shall be made at no expense to the Division of Highways. Existing and/or relocated utilities may remain within the right-of-way of any subdivision road added to the secondary road system; provided, the location of same meets Division of Highways' approval and further provided the utility owner executes an encroachment agreement on forms furnished by the Division of Highways. As per G.S. § 136-102.6, "Utilities are defined as electric power, telephone, television, telegraph, water, sewage, gas, oil, petroleum products, steam, chemicals, drainage, irrigation and similar lines". G.S. § 136-102.6 dictates further that "The right of any utility placed or located on a proposed or existing subdivision public road right-of-way shall be subordinate to the road right-of-way, and the utility shall be subject to regulation by the Board of Transportation". NOTE: The developer and/or owners will be required to submit encroachment agreements for all utilities within a subdivision as dictated by G.S. § 136-102.6. (See § 155.017.)
(5) At least 20% of the lots bordering the road must be individually owned.
(6) There must be at least two occupied residences for each one-tenth of a mile. A minimum of four occupied homes is required for the addition of roads less than two-tenths of a mile in length. If four occupied homes are not served, it will be treated as a private drive. An exception may be made if the cul-de-sac is fully developed, serves at least four platted lots, and has four occupied homes that abut the road. A minimum of two homes must have primary access to the cul-de-sacs.
(7) Subdivision access roads must provide ingress and egress for at least five occupied residences for roads less than one mile in length and an average of five occupied residences per mile for roads over one mile in length.
(8) The number of platted lots on each road will be reviewed to ensure that the minimum occupied housing requirements in this chapter are served.
(9) Connecting roads with less than the required occupied homes for the length involved may be reviewed as to traffic usage for addition purposes. Traffic usage equivalent to the traffic that would be generated by the correct number of occupied homes will be acceptable.
(10) Any subdivision road with a right-of-way dedicated, recorded, or that has preliminary approval from a county planning board dated after 9-30-1975, will not be added to the state system unless the road is built to the minimum construction standards of the Division of Highways for subdivision roads.
(11) All subdivision roads shall have an acceptable permanent vegetative cover established and other acceptable permanent erosion control measures installed in accordance with Division of Highways' specifications, prior to addition to the state maintained system.
(12) Subdivision roads shall meet the minimum design and construction criteria contained herein prior to addition to the state system and shall be in an acceptable state of maintenance prior to addition to the state maintained road system.
(13) All pipe culverts, storm sewers and appurtenances shall be free of all debris and silt build-up and shall be structurally and hydraulically sound, and functioning in a normal manner. All drainage ditches shall be of such a width and depth and with such a slope as to carry the anticipated discharges. Paved ditches or rip rap shall be required where necessary.
(14) Where extenuating circumstances exist, the Division Engineer has the authority to allow deviations from this chapter which are reasonable, and limited only to safety, environmental and maintenance factors. No deviation will be allowed from the typical section requirements, except by written approval from the Chief Engineer-Operations.
(15) Within a municipal extra territorial jurisdiction or within counties having local ordinances affecting subdivisions, the more restrictive ordinance shall apply.
(16) Design concepts using traffic calming devices and walkable community concepts shall be reviewed by the Chief Engineer-Operations.
(17) For the policy on roadway bridges and dams, see § 155.036.
(18) Roads being considered for addition that have highway obstructions as defined in 19A N.C.A.C. § 2E.0404 will not be considered without prior approval of the Division Engineer. (See § 155.019.)
(19) The Division of Highways will consider the addition of streets that serve developments with large lots or parcels that are of the size that the occupied housing requirement of two homes per tenth of a mile cannot be met. The number of occupied homes needed shall be a judgment factor based upon the length and the number of lots or parcels involved. The minimum requirement shall be four occupied homes.
(Ord. passed 1-1-2000)
(A) (1) Poles and other aboveground utilities which are to remain inside the right-of-way under encroachment agreement shall be located at or as near as practical to the right-of-way line. As a minimum aboveground utilities shall be located outside the clear roadside area for the highway section involved.
(2) Where there are curbed sections, aboveground utilities should be located as far as practical behind sidewalks. There is no single minimum dimension for setback of poles, fire hydrants and the like, behind curbs; however, where there are curbed sections and no sidewalks, six feet will be used as a design safety concept guide.
(B) Minimum depth of cover for pipe lines and other utilities:
Crossings under ditches | 2 feet |
Crossings under roadways | 3 feet |
Longitudinal electric power secondary and trenched communication lines | 2 feet |
Longitudinal pipe lines and electric power primary | 3 feet |
Plowed-in communication lines | 18 inches |
(C) For residential subdivision streets and residential collector streets, underground utilities may cross under or run longitudinally under the pavement provided future utility stubouts are installed prior to paving. For all other streets and highways, underground utilities may cross under but not run longitudinally under the pavement, except in unusual situations approved by the Division Engineer.
(D) Acceptable materials for pipeline with utilities within the rights-of-way: materials not listed shall be referred to the Design Services Unit-Utilities Section.
(1) Smooth wall steel pipe meeting API 5L Grade B specifications;
(2) Spiral welded steel pipe meeting ASTM specification A-211;
(3) Circular black steel pipe meeting ASTM specification A-120 or A-589;
(4) Galvanized steel pipe meeting ASTM A-120 specifications;
(5) Ductile iron pipe - class 50 minimum strength;
(6) Concrete sewer pipe - plain and reinforced pipe meeting Department of Transportation standard with rubber gasket joints;
(7) Reinforced concrete pressure pipe, steel cylinder type for water and other liquids meeting AWWA specifications C-300, C-301 and C-303;
(8) ABS (acrylonitrile - butadiene - styrene) composite sewer pipe shall meet ASTM D-2680 specifications for pipe sizes eight inches through 15 inches and ASTM D-2751 for pipe sizes four inches and six inches for laterals. ABS sewer pipe shall be used for domestic sewage only; also, P.V.C. truss pipe meeting ASTM D-2321 which has to be specified by registered professional engineer;
(9) P.V.C. (Polyvinyl chloride) water pipe (pressure only) - SDR 14 (C-900); SDR 18 (C-900) and SDR 21;
(10) P.V.C. (Polyvinyl chloride) sewer pipe (force main) SDR 14 (C-900), SDR 18 (C-900) and SDR 21;
(11) P.V.C. (polyvinyl chloride) pipe (gravity sewer) SDR 14 (C-900), SDR 18 (C-900), SDR 21, SDR 26, SDR 35, ASTM F 794, ASTM F 949 (A-2000) and schedule 40 and 80;
(12) V.C. (vitrified clay) sewer pipe, extra strength meeting ASTM specifications C-700 with factory fabricated joints meeting ASTM specifications C-425;
(13) P.E. (Polyethylene) plastic pipe - SDR 7 meeting ASTM specifications D-2239 and plastic tubing - SDR 9 meeting ASTM specification D-2737 for sizes three-fourths inch through two inches only;
(14) Polyethylene plastic pipe (high molecular weight) and (medium molecular weight) SDR 11 meeting plastic pipe institute material designation PE 3408 and PE 2406 in sizes up to 6.625" O.D. for gas with maximum operating pressure of 60 PSIG; and
(15) Type K copper pipe meeting ASTM specification B-88 for sizes three-fourths inch through two inches.
(E) Any utility to be installed within the right-of-way of a state maintained road will require an encroachment agreement with the State Board of Transportation in accordance with its publication entitled Policies and Procedures for Accommodating Utilities on Highway Rights-of-Way.
(F) All non ferrous pipe lines shall be installed with a locating tape.
(G) All utility structures (i.e., vaults, manholes and boxes) shall be load rated for the appropriate dead load, plus an HS 20 live load. The structures shall be designed and certified by a licensed professional engineer.
(H) Electrical power and communication facilities should conform to the currently applicable National Electrical Safety Code, except vertical clearances shall be no less than 18 feet in any case.
(Ord. passed 1-1-2000)