(A) Any person or corporation desiring to construct a new subdivision road which is to be dedicated as public must submit the following information to the District Engineer for proper evaluation in order to obtain a certificate of approval as required by G.S. § 136-102.6. (See § 155.017.)
(B) If the new subdivision road (to be dedicated as public or private) will connect to a state system road, a driveway permit/encroachment agreement authorizing construction on state right-of-way must be obtained from the Division of Highways before beginning any construction. Applications should be made to the District Engineer having jurisdiction in the area.
(C) The appropriate District Engineer's Office can be determined from the listing referenced in § 155.001.
(1) Three complete site layouts with vicinity map, including any future expansions anticipated. Additional copies may be required by the District Engineer's Office.
(2) Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data on site layout plan.
(3) Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade, P.I. station, vertical curve length and k-value, on site layout plan. Existing ground profile along centerline should also be included.
(5) Submission of hydraulics plans and drainage calculations are required. A copy of U.S. Geodetic Survey or other contour mapping showing drainage areas are also required. (NOTE: A sample standard pipe sizing chart is shown in § 155.022 or any generally accepted industry standard containing the same information as shown in the example may be used.)
(6) Four copies of the recorded plat are to be furnished to the District Engineer after certification or upon application for state maintenance.
(D) (1) On new subdivision roads lot lines should not extend beyond the right-of-way.
(2) See State Transportation and Highway Laws, G.S. Ch. 136, Art. 7, § 136-102.6 for additional information on right-of-way width and lot lines. (See § 155.017.)
(E) When property is subdivided along existing state maintained roads the lot lines may extend beyond the right-of-way subject to the property owner's discretion.
(F) A minimum of four separate site plans for driveway permits will be required prior to construction within NCDOT right-of-way. (See § 155.021.)
(G) Copy of erosion control plans and permit, approved by Department of Environment and Natural Resources or local government, may be required by the District Engineer. (See § 155.020.)
(H) Utility encroachment agreements required prior to addition of road to state system. (For agreement forms, please contact District Engineer.)
(Ord. passed 1-1-2000)