All graves shall be deep enough that the top of the burial vault is at a minimum 18 inches below the surface.
(Prior Code, § C.4.01) (Ord. passed - - ) Penalty, see § 54.99
All interments must be in an approved rigid outer burial container.
(Ord. passed - - ) Penalty, see § 54.99
Neither the town, Town Manager nor the groundskeeper shall be responsible for errors in location of graves on lots arising from improper instructions from persons making arrangements. In all cases, orders for grave openings shall be communicated to the Town Manager or town office via the burial permit.
(Ord. passed - - )
In matters pertaining to burials coming into the town from outside agencies, a valid burial permit is required prior to interment. If a valid permit is not available, the body will remain with the outside agency pending proper arrangements and permits at the family's expense.
(Ord. passed - - )