This section sets forth the schedule of off-street parking requirements.
   (A)   One-, two- and multi-family dwellings. One parking space for each one family dwelling; one and one-half parking spaces for each family dwelling unit in two and multi-family dwellings.
   (B)   Bowling alleys, recreational centers, swimming pools, skating rinks and other recreation and amusement facilities. One parking space for every five customers computed on the basis of maximum servicing capacity at any one time, plus one additional space for every two persons regularly employed on the premises.
   (C)   Club houses and permanent meeting places of veterans, business, civic, fraternal, labor and similar organizations. One parking space for every 50 square feet of aggregate floor area in the auditorium assembly hall and dining room of the building, plus one additional space for every two persons regularly employed on the premises.
   (D)   Funeral homes and undertaking establishments. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus one parking space for every two persons regularly employed on the premises and one space for every four seats in the auditorium or chapel of the establishment.
   (E)   Hospitals. One parking space for each bed intended for patients, excluding bassinets, plus one per doctor, plus one per employees, plus one for hospital vehicle.
   (F)   House trailers (mobile homes). One parking space for each trailer (mobile home) used for dwelling or sleeping purposes.
   (G)   Indoor retail businesses. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus three parking spaces for the first 1,000 square feet of total area and one additional space for every additional 200 square feet of floor area.
   (H)   Industrial plants and facilities. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the industrial use, plus one parking space for every two employees on the premises at maximum employment on a single shift.
   (I)   Junior and senior high schools. One parking space for every eight seats available at maximum capacity in the assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium of greatest capacity on the school grounds or campus. If the school has no assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium, one parking space shall be provided for each person regularly employed at the school, plus two additional spaces for each classroom.
   (J)   Libraries, museums, post offices and similar establishments. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the operation of the establishments, plus three parking spaces for the first 1,000 square feet of total floor area and one additional space for every additional 200 square feet of floor area.
   (K)   Medical and dental clinics. Three parking spaces for each doctor, plus one additional space for every two regular employees.
   (L)   Nursing homes. One parking space for every two beds occupied at maximum capacity, plus one space for every two regular employees.
   (M)   Offices. One parking space for every 300 square feet of office space.
   (N)   Outdoor retail business. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus two parking spaces for each person employed on the premises based on maximum seasonal employment and the additional space as may be required by the Board of Appeals based on the nature of the business and other relevant factors.
   (O)   Public and private elementary schools. One parking space for every 12 seats available at maximum capacity in the assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium of greatest capacity on the school grounds or campus. If the school has no assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium, one parking space shall be provided for each person regularly employed at the school, plus one additional space for each classroom.
   (P)   Public garages. Indoor or outdoor parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business plus three parking spaces for each person regularly employed on the premises.
   (Q)   Repair shops, plumbing shops, electrical shops, roofing shops and other service establishments. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus two parking spaces for each person regularly employed on the premises.
   (R)   Restaurants and other eating and drinking establishments. One parking space for every 200 square feet of total floor area.
   (S)   Self-service laundries. One parking space for every two washing machines.
   (T)   Service stations. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business plus one parking space for each gas pump, three spaces for each grease rack or similar facility, and one space for every two persons employed on the premises at maximum employment on a single shift.
   (U)   Theaters, auditoriums, churches, stadiums, civic centers and other places of public assembly. One parking space for every six seats available at maximum capacity.
   (V)   Transportation terminals. One parking space for every 100 square feet of waiting room space.
   (W)   Motels and hotels. One parking space for each sleeping unit accommodation, plus one space for each dwelling unit on the premises.
   (X)   Universities, colleges, junior colleges, academics, technical schools and similar institutions of higher learning. One parking space for every six seats occupied at maximum capacity in the assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium of greatest capacity on the campus. If the institution has no assembly hall, auditorium, stadium or gymnasium, one parking space shall be provided for each person regularly employed at the institution, plus five additional spaces for each classroom.
   (Y)   Warehouses, freight terminals and trucking terminals. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus two parking spaces for each person regularly employed on the premises.
   (Z)   Wholesale businesses. Parking or storage space for all vehicles used directly in the conduct of the business, plus two parking spaces for each person employed on the premises based on maximum seasonal employment.
(1994 Code, § 155.117) (Ord. 200, passed 4-28-1969; Res. passed 11-6-1990; Ord. 2006-06, passed 5-22-2006)