The S-1 Floodplain and Drainageway District is designed to meet the needs of storm water channels to carry abnormal flows of water in time of flood; to prevent encroachments into the district which will unduly increase flood heights and damage; and to prevent the loss of life and excessive damage to property in the area of greatest flood hazard. Within the S-1 Floodplain and Drainageway District, the regulations set forth in this section shall apply.
   (A)   Permitted uses. 
      (1)   Agriculture, including customary agricultural buildings, structures, permanent agricultural dwellings, nurseries and greenhouses; provided that, any greenhouse heating plant or any building or enclosure in which animals are kept shall comply with the distance requirement in division (B) below;
      (2)   Commercial poultry farms and feeding facilities, kennels, riding stables and dairies; provided that, any building or enclosure in which animals or fowl are kept shall comply with two times the distance requirement in division (B) below;
      (3)   Outdoor advertising signs and billboards set back from the established right-of-way of any highway or thoroughfare at least as far as the required front yard depth for a principal building, subject to requirements of § 155.035(A)(13) and (A)(18) of this chapter;
      (4)   One-family detached dwellings;
      (5)   The following uses may be permitted in the district when authorized by the Board of Appeals upon application in accordance with and after compliance with the procedures set forth in this subchapter:
         (a)   Public parks, playgrounds and community centers; private recreation areas and facilities, including country clubs, golf courses, fishing lakes and boat docks;
         (b)   Baseball, football stadium or sports arena; provided that, the location of any structure used for the purposes shall comply with two times the distance requirements in division (B) below;
         (c)   Drive-in theaters and other similar commercial recreation establishments, provided that these are located on premises abutting on a highway or primary thoroughfare, and so as to comply with two times the distance requirements in division (B) below;
         (d)   Outdoor rifle or skeet shooting ranges; on premises so located as to comply with three times the distance requirement in division (B) below, and which premises, in addition, are deemed suitable by the Board of Appeals for the use, for reasons, among others, of topography, screening by trees or other features, and also in consideration of the present and potential use of adjacent properties;
         (e)   Equipment and materials storage yards, and junk yards; provided, these are enclosed on all sides by a solid fence or wall not less than eight feet high; petroleum or inflammable liquid storage; provided further that, any of the foregoing uses shall be authorized only on premises adjoining and within 1,000 feet of a railroad or a highway or primary thoroughfare, and so located as to comply with three times the distance requirement in division (B) below, and which premises, in addition, are deemed suitable by the Board of Appeals for the intended use, for reasons, among others, of topography, screening by trees or other features, and in consideration of the present and potential use of adjacent properties;
         (f)   Sanitary landfill subject to requirements and regulations set forth in § 155.035(A) of this chapter; and
         (g)   Any other use which, in the judgment of the Board of Appeals will not, when located, constructed and operated as proposed, be inconsistent with the purposes intended to be served by the provisions prescribed in this section for the S-1 District among others, of protecting human life, preventing material losses and reducing the cost to the public of relief or rescue efforts occasioned by the unwise occupancy of areas subject to floods; and which use, at the same time, will not impair the present or potential use of adjacent properties.
      (6)   Accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to a permitted principal use in the S-1 District. Any other accessory use that is determined by the Board of Appeals to be necessary and incidental to any aforesaid permitted principal use and located on the same lot therewith.
   (B)   Required conditions. All uses, buildings or premises, for which compliance with distance requirement in this division (B) is stipulated in this subchapter, shall be a distance of at least 200 feet from any lot in any R district, or any lot occupied by a dwelling or by any schools, church or institution for human care.
   (C)   Height regulations. No non-agriculture principal structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, and no accessory structure shall exceed one story or 15 feet in height, except as provided in § 155.005 of this chapter.
   (D)   Lot area, frontage and yard requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed, subject to the additional requirements, exceptions and modifications in § 155.005 of this chapter:
Lot Area
Lot Width
Front Yard Depth
Side Yard Width Each
Rear Yard Depth
Same as A-1 Agricultural District
Non-agricultural residences
60 ft.
15 ft.
35 ft.
Non-residential uses or structures other than agricultural
50 ft.
20 ft.
50 ft.
(1994 Code, § 155.075) (Ord. 200, passed 4-28-1969)