Within the I-I Light Industrial District, the regulations set forth in this section shall apply.
   (A)   Permitted uses. A light industrial use is one which creates a minimum amount of nuisance outside the plant and is conducted entirely within enclosed buildings. Since most uses permitted in this district will be in close proximity to residential districts, it is hereby declared that performance standards shall be high, and that all manufacturing, processing or assembly of materials and products must be carried on in a manner not injurious or offensive to the occupants of adjacent premises by reason of the emission of odors, fumes or gases, dust, smoke, noise, vibrations or fire hazards. Therefore, the following uses may be permitted provided there is compliance with the performance standards established herein:
      (1)   Any use permitted in an A-1 Agricultural District, except one-family dwelling use;
      (2)   Any use permitted in a business district (B-1 and B-2) without restriction as to number of employees or type of operation; provided, however, no apartment or dwelling units are permitted, except dwelling accommodations as may be needed to house a caretaker or watchman employed on the premises and his or her family;
      (3)   The manufacture, compounding, processing, packing or treatment of the products as candy, cosmetics, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and food products, except the rendering or refining of fats and oils, fish and meat products, sauerkraut, vinegar and yeast;
      (4)   The manufacture, compounding, processing, assembly, treatment or packaging of articles of merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: aluminum; bond; cellophane; canvas; cloth; cork; feather; felt; fiber; fur; glass; hair; horn; leather; paper; plastics; precious or semi-precious metals or stones; shell; rubber; tin; tobacco; wood (excluding saw mill); tars and paint not involving a boiling process;
      (5)   The manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products, using only previously pulverized clay, kilns fired only by electricity or gas;
      (6)   Foundry casting, light-weight non-ferrous metal not causing noxious fumes or odor; machine shop or other metal working shop; excluding drop hammers and other noise-producing machine-operated tools;
      (7)   Any other building, use or service similar to the uses herein listed in the type of services or goods sold, in the number of persons or cars to be attracted to the premises, or in the effect upon adjacent areas in more restricted use districts; and
      (8)   Adult uses as defined in § 155.004 of this chapter; provided that:
         (a)   No adult use be located within 800 feet of any property zoned for use for residences, churches, school, parks or other adult use;
         (b)   No adult use be permitted to operate within 300 feet of the centerlines of S.R. 4 or S.R. 154, respectively; and
         (c)   All adult uses shall strictly comply with the provisions of Ch. 115 of this code of ordinances.
      (9)   The permanent placement of intermodal containers as defined herein for storage purposes only, provided such comply with all provisions of division (B)(2).
   (B)   Conditions of use. The above permitted uses shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair or storage of goods, materials or products shall take place without creating disturbing influences to the use and occupancy of adjoining properties; and
      (2)   All business, production, servicing and processing shall take place within completely enclosed buildings unless otherwise specified. All storage abutting any residential R district or street shall be screened by a solid wall or fence at least six feet high, but in no ease lower than the enclosed storage. However, open off-street loading facilities and open off-street parking facilities for the storage of motor vehicles may be unenclosed throughout the district, except for the screening of parking and loading facilities as may be required.
   (C)   Height. No height limitations.
   (D)   Yard areas.
      (1)   Front yard. All buildings and structures shall have a front yard depth of at least 25 feet. Building and structures placed on corner lots shall observe front yard requirements on both streets. Front yards abutting residential districts shall have front yard depths of 50 feet.
      (2)   Yard adjacent to residential districts. All buildings and structures on lots adjacent to residential districts shall be located as to provide 50 feet yard widths or rear yard depths adjacent to the residential districts.
      (3)   Railroad siding frontage. No yards shall be required for those portions of lots which front on railroad sidings.
   (E)   Performance standards. The following requirements shall apply.
      (1)   Noise. Objectionable sound shall be controlled so as not to become a nuisance to adjacent properties.
      (2)   Smoke and particulate matter. The emission of smoke or dusts by manufacturing plants in an amount sufficient to create a general nuisance to adjoining properties shall be prohibited. Total emission of smoke and particulate matter shall be limited to the standards adopted by the state and any agency thereof, or as prescribed by any ordinance of the city.
      (3)   Odors. No odor shall be emitted by any use permitted in this district in such quantities as to be objectionable to an average observer at any point on the boundary line of the premises or beyond.
      (4)   Noxious gases. Processes and operations of permitted uses capable of dispersing gases or toxic particulates into the atmosphere must be hooded or otherwise suitably enclosed. The emission of the toxic gases or particulate matter shall be from a stack.
      (5)   Glare and heat. Operation producing intense light or heat shall be performed within an enclosed building and not be visible beyond any lot line bounding the property whereon the use is conducted.
      (6)   Vibrations. No uses shall be located and no equipment shall be installed in such a way to produce intense, earth-shaking vibrations which are noticeable at the property lines of the subject premises.
   (F)   Off-street parking and loading facilities. Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required in §§ 155.125 through 155.139 of this chapter.
   (G)   Planting areas. Landscape development shall be required in front yards (and side yards of corner lots) along all streets, with the exception of approved entrances, wherever the industrial use abuts a residential district.
(1994 Code, § 155.065) (Ord. 200, passed 4-28-1969; Ord. 2003-09, passed 10-27-2003; Ord. 18-09, passed 12-26-2018)