The planned unit development (PUD) concept is intended to afford to both the developer and to the city considerable flexibility in formulating development proposals. Consequently, to the extent indicated in this section, PUDs may deviate from generally applicable ordinance requirements without a variation. Any proposed deviation not listed, however, shall require a variation.
   (A)   Mixed uses. Planned unit developments may include all types of buildings and other structure and uses approved by the Mayor and City Council; provided that, in approving such mixed construction and uses, the Mayor and City Council may attach any conditions necessary to protect the public welfare.
   (B)   Lot and structure requirements. In all planned unit developments, the Mayor and City Council may approve any reasonable deviation from the lot and structure requirements of this chapter and Ch. 155 of this code of ordinances so long as the different uses within in the planned unit development are appropriately interrelated and property abutting the planned unit development is adequately protected from potential adverse impact of the development. LOT AND STRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS shall include, but not be limited to, minimum individual lot area, width and depth, minimum setbacks and maximum structure height.
   (C)   Location of parking/loading spaces. By permission of the Mayor and City Council, off-street parking and loading spaces in planned unit developments need not be located in accordance with generally applicable requirements of this chapter and Ch. 155 of this code or ordinances.
(1994 Code, § 154.53) (Ord. 2003-05, passed 7-28-2003)