The Coordinator of Public Affairs/City Manager shall perform the following duties:
   (A)   Act as a liaison between the city engineers, architects, contractors or subcontractors, developers and the Mayor and City Council. This shall include the authority to take action and make decisions relating to projects necessary for the work to continue when a representative of the engineers/architects is not on the job site. Coordinate, implement and administer tax increment finance (TIF) projects entered into between the city and developers;
   (B)   Assist in grant writing and grant administration with regard to all grants received on behalf of the city; devise, formulate and monitor programs and guidelines for documentation and record keeping, appropriate and timely, for compliance with state and federal law and compliance with regulatory agencies;
   (C)   Keep abreast of legislation affecting city functions, policies and programs; recommending policies or procedures for implementing compliance with such legislation, and informing the Council of necessary action required by such legislation;
   (D)   File, catalog and store plans, specifications and maps in secure and accessible locations for use as reference materials by city departments, Council and City Hall staff;
   (E)   Process citizens complaints and requests from the initiation of action through completion within the latitudes outlined by the Mayor and City Council;
   (F)   Provide Council with timely information which is suitable, necessary and appropriate for its use and knowledge and to serve as a basis for Council’s action;
   (G)   Counsel and coordinate with the city’s Code Enforcement Officer and Building, Plumbing and Electrical Inspectors in code enforcement and zoning matters within the scope of knowledge or experience of the Coordinator as requested or directed by the Commissioner of Health and Safety;
   (H)   Attend at the direction of the Mayor and City Council, continuing education with regard to all aspects of the municipal government, including, but not limited to, those conferences sponsored by the state’s Municipal League and the state’s Tax Increment Association;
   (I)   Provide daily supervisory decision-making authority over the City Clerk and City Hall employees in the absence of the Mayor and/or Commissioner of Finance in order to achieve greater efficiency, prevent duplication of services, implement the issuance of building permits, code enforcement procedures, Zoning Board of Appeals and other administrative matters;
   (J)   Under the direction of the Mayor and appropriate Commissioner, negotiate necessary land acquisitions, easements, road dedications and other issues as to rights-of-way as may be necessary in the development and implementation of city projects;
   (K)   Coordinate with the City Clerk the implementation of risk management programs and directives; inspect and review physical properties of the city with representatives of risk management; implement compliance with directives concerning safety and prepare and implement accident prevention procedures as requested by the Risk Management Association; assist City Clerk in investigating and reporting all accidents involving city personnel or occurring on city property;
   (L)   Act as liaison with Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce in the promotion of new commercial and industrial enterprises and support of existing commercial and industrial enterprises for the development and welfare of the city; and
   (M)   Provide daily supervisory decision-making authority over all city employees, subject to the oversight of, and periodic consultation with the Mayor and respective Commissioner assigned to each department.
(1994 Code, § 31.45) (Ord. 2002-08, passed 5-28-2002; Ord. 08-07, passed 10-14-2008; Ord. 14-04a, passed 5-28-2013)