A.   Single-Family Dwelling Units:
      1.   Maximum Density: The maximum density with respect to lots upon which single-family dwelling units are located in subdivisions or otherwise shall be determined by reference to the following table:
Average Slope Of Development Site
Maximum Density
Minimum Lot Width
0 – 15 percent
As permitted in zone
As permitted in zone
15.1 – 20 percent
Zone density x 0.75
100 feet
20.1 – 30 percent
Zone density x 0.5
100 feet
30.1 percent +
Not permitted
(Ord. 2001-5, 2-13-2001)
      2.   Maximum Impervious Material Coverage: The maximum impervious material coverage that shall be allowed on lots upon which single-family dwelling units are located shall be forty percent (40%) of the total lot area, or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is less. (Ord. 09-03, 8-11-2009)
      3.   Usable Area: Single-family dwelling structures shall be located only upon areas constituting usable land and which area shall be fully contiguous and shall be at least five thousand (5,000) square feet in space, and shall have a minimum dimension, either length or width, of fifty feet (50').
      4.   Lot And Access Design: Single-family dwelling structures shall not be located farther than two hundred feet (200') from the nearest public street. (Ord. 2001-5, 2-13-2001)