A.   Business License Required: A home occupation permit is required in addition to and before a business license is issued, and the granting of said permit shall not relieve the permittee of any licensing requirement of the city, the state or any other public agency.
   B.   Conditions Required: Each and every one of the following conditions must be observed at all times by the operator of a home occupation:
      1.   Employment Restricted To Family Members: Only family members related by blood, marriage or adoption, who are bona fide residents of the dwelling unit shall be employed on said premises. However, during the calendar year, one part time employee may work in connection with the home occupation, if approved by the planning commission.
      2.   Incidental And Secondary Use: The home occupation will be clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of the property and will not physically change the dwelling to the extent that it would alter the residential character of the dwelling or the residential atmosphere of the neighborhood in which it is located. Furthermore, it shall not unreasonably disturb the neighborhood by reason of color, design, material, construction, odors, lighting, sounds, noise or vibrations.
      3.   Conducted Within Primary Structure; Exception: The home occupation shall be conducted principally within the primary structure on the premises. After careful review for fire and safety concerns, home occupations may be conducted within garages and accessory structures which are typically associated with residential uses. The home occupation in all cases shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total livable floor area of the primary structure, subject to an exception approved by the planning commission for cause.
      4.   Signs: Class 2 signs shall be permitted advertising home occupations. They must comply with all regulations of chapter 9 of this title.
      5.   Inventory And Supplies: Inventory and supplies for the home occupation shall not occupy more than fifty percent (50%) of the permitted home occupation area.
      6.   Vehicles: Maintenance and service vehicles related to home occupations may be kept or parked in the open; provided, that the number does not exceed one motorized vehicle and one trailer or other nonmotorized vehicle, and provided the total sign area for the home occupation, including any sign area on the vehicle, does not exceed the area allowed by chapter 9 of this title. Vehicles which do not meet those requirements must be kept in a garage or screened outdoor area.
      7.   Traffic: The home occupation shall generate no greater vehicular traffic than that commonly associated with the neighborhood in which it is located (i.e., heavy trucks, delivery or service vehicles, etc.). The home occupation shall not occupy the area in the garage required for two (2) parking spaces.
      8.   Parking: All vehicles of customers or residents must be parked in authorized portions of the lot upon which the home occupation is located.
      9.   Code Conformance: There shall be complete conformity with fire, building, plumbing, electrical and health codes and to all state and county ordinances.
      10.   Hazards: The home occupation shall not create a hazard by using flammable, explosives or other dangerous materials or by keeping, raising or storing animals which are capable of inflicting harm or discomfort or endangering the health and safety of any person or property.
      11.   Demand For Services: The home occupation shall not create a demand for city or utility services or community facilities in excess of those usually and customarily provided for residential uses.
      12.   Electrical Or Plumbing Equipment: The home occupation shall not involve the installation in the dwelling of special plumbing or electrical equipment which cannot be used with the electrical or plumbing service customarily used in a dwelling.
      13.   Special Recommended Conditions: Any special condition recommended by the building inspector and/or the fire chief and made of record in the home occupation permit that they deem necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter shall be met.
   C.   Renewal Of Permit: All home occupation permits shall be good for one year unless a lesser time is specified and shall be renewable at the time the business license is renewed. Permits may be automatically renewed by the planning commission or city council or their designated agent without additional review, unless otherwise specified by the approving body on the permit; and provided there have been no reported violations, complaints or detrimental matters which might require reconsideration of the permit. If the permit is not renewed, then the applicant desiring a permit shall follow the same procedure required for an initial application. (Ord. 02-7, 5-28-2002)