A.   Notice Requirements: A business license issued under this title may be revoked for good cause, including if the business is found to constitute a nuisance or for any other good cause as determined by the City Council. Before any business license may be revoked, the holder of the license shall be afforded written notice and a hearing before the City Council. (Ord. 98-24, 10-27-1998)
   B.   Effect: If at any time a license under the provisions of this title is denied or revoked, it is unlawful for any person to operate such business or to permit or otherwise allow any other person to operate the business with respect to which the license has been revoked or denied until the City Council shall deem it proper to reissue such license. Each revocation shall work a forfeiture of any license fees paid, and in the event the license is renewed, it shall be renewed according to the provisions of this title dealing with the issuance of licenses as though the same were a new license.
   C.   Waiting Period For New License: No person who has been denied a license or whose license has been revoked under the provisions of this title, and no person associated or connected with such person in the conduct of such business, shall be granted a license for such business for a period of six (6) months after such revocation or denial. The City Council may, in its sole discretion, waive the prohibition against the associates or persons connected with such business of its licensee, and may grant permission for the issuance of a license to the associated persons. (Ord. 97-16, 12-9-1997)