No license granted or issued under any of the provisions of any ordinance of the City shall be in any manner assignable or transferable, or authorize any person other than the person therein mentioned or named to do business, or authorize any other business than is therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted; provided however, that any person to whom one or more licenses have been issued to transact or carry on some business at a definite location in the City may, except as hereinafter provided, make application for the transfer of any or all of his said licenses for the sole purpose of transacting or carrying on the same business as is therein mentioned at some other definite location in the City by himself. Any person wishing to make such a transfer shall file an application with the City business license official. No application shall be approved unless the business as conducted in the new location shall be conducted in the same manner and by the same persons as was the case when such business was conducted in the original location. The business license official, after examination of all appropriate reports, may in his discretion, deny or grant the transfer of such licenses strictly within the above limitations. (Ord. 09-12, 10-13-2009)