A.   Contents: All applications for licenses shall be made in writing and submitted to the city business license official upon a prepared form, which may be obtained from the business license official. Each application shall show the following: (Ord. 09-12, 10-13-2009)
      1.   The name and address of the person desiring a license. If the applicant is a partnership, the names and addresses of the partners shall be included in the application. If the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers and directors shall be included in the application.
      2.   The kind of license desired, stating the business to be performed, practiced or carried on.
      3.   The class of license desired, if such licenses are divided into classes.
      4.   The place where such business is to be carried on, giving the street number, if such business is to be carried on in any building or enclosure, or stated location.
      5.   The period of time for which such license is desired to be issued.
      6.   A certificate of inspection from the fire department, certifying that the premises where the business will be operated has been inspected and approved for the operation of the business.
      7.   Such other facts and information as may be required by ordinance, the statutes of the state and the city. (Ord. 97-16, 12-9-1997)
   B.   Filing; Fee Accompanied: Each application for a license under this title shall be filed by the applicant with the city business license official and shall be accompanied by the license fee required to be paid for the issuance of the license desired. In the event the applicant decides to withdraw the application before a business license is issued, one-half (1/2) of the fee paid shall be nonrefundable. Applications received by the city business license official shall be numbered in the order of their receipt and shall be filed in numerical sequence.
   C.   Investigation:
      1.   Required: After receipt of an application for a license, such application shall be submitted to the appropriate official for investigation as required by this chapter.
      2.   Officials And Agencies: Within ten (10) business days after receipt by the city business license official of each application for a license, the business license official, at his or her discretion, may refer the application to the Davis County sheriff, building inspector, fire department, health department or other official or body, for the purpose of investigation and inspection of:
         a.   The general reputation and character of the person making the application, or directly interested therein;
         b.   The general reputation of those who would patronize the business if such license were granted;
         c.   The nature and kind of the applicant's business;
         d.   Where the application is for the continued operation of a business theretofore permitted by the laws of the city, whether such business has been conducted in a lawful manner and in accordance with the standards of the city as a whole;
         e.   Whether the operation of the business has and will meet the health and safety requirements required for similar businesses; and
         f.   Any other fact or facts which might have an effect on the granting or denial of the license.
      3.   Report Of Investigation: Upon being requested to do so by the city business license official, the Davis County sheriff, building inspector, fire inspector, health inspector or other official or body shall conduct the investigation and inspection provided for in this subsection C, and within fifteen (15) business days after receiving such request, the person shall submit a report of the investigation to the business license official, together with his recommendations as to whether the license should be granted or denied.
   D.   Disposition Following Investigation: After receiving the report and recommendation prescribed in subsection C3 of this section, the business license official shall make such disposition respecting the granting or denying of the license applied for, or may order further investigation concerning the application as the official shall, in his or her sole discretion, deem necessary to effect the purpose of the provisions in this title. (Ord. 09-12, 10-13-2009)
   E.   Approval; Issuance: In the event the business licensing official shall approve any application for a license pursuant to the provisions of this section, such approval shall be endorsed on the application by the business licensing official. The business licensing official shall then forthwith issue a license certificate in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 97-16, 12-9-1997)
   F.   Denial; Appeal To City Council: In the event the business licensing official shall deny any application for a license, the reasons for such denial shall be placed on the application so denied by the business licensing official who shall return the application, together with one-half (1/2) of the amount of fees deposited. The licensing official shall also inform the applicant of his or her right to appear before the city council to appeal the denial. If the applicant makes such an appearance, upon presentation to the city council of sufficient reasons why such application should not be denied, the city council may in its discretion set aside the denial and approve the application. If the application is approved, the city council shall dispose of the matter in accordance with subsection E of this section. The applicant will resubmit to the city the amount of the fee that was refunded by the licensing official. (Ord. 09-12, 10-13-2009)
   G.   Renewal: Unless otherwise noted on the license certificate, all business licenses must be renewed annually. In the event a business allows its business license to expire, it shall be required to reapply for a license by filing a new business license and following all of the procedures outlined above. Any business license which is allowed to expire and is not renewed within one year of its expiration shall be deemed to be abandoned and the business must cease operations if it has not already done so. (Ord. 98-24, 10-27-1998)