All persons developing, designing, constructing, reconstructing, building, or rebuilding on property located in South Weber City shall comply with the guidelines contained in the document entitled, “South Weber City Development, Design, and Construction Standards.” The South Weber City Development, Design, and Construction Standards, together with appendices, is hereby adopted by the City with the understanding that such standards may be amended, edited, revised, or appended by resolution to meet changes to technology, materials, regulation, policy, procedure, or methods of design or construction. Any amendment to the Development, Design, or Construction Standards that materially increases the cost of development when compared to the existing specification shall be adopted by ordinance of the City Council. Any successive amendments, editions, revisions, or appendices adopted by the City Council are hereby incorporated herein by reference and shall become effective upon the designated effective date.
(Ord. 19-03, 2-12-2019; amd. Ord. 2023-01, 1-10-2023)