A.   Inspection And Maintenance: It shall be the duty and responsibility of the customer-user at any premises where backflow prevention assemblies are installed to have certified inspections and operational tests made at least once per year at the customer-user's expense. In those instances where the Public Works Director deems the hazard to be great, he may require certified inspections and tests at a more frequent interval. These inspections and tests shall be performed by a certified backflow assembly technician, licensed through the State Department of Health. It shall be the duty of the Public Works Director to see that these tests are made according to the standards set forth by the State Department of Health, Bureau of Drinking Water/Sanitation. (1989 Code § 14-167; amd. 1998 Code)
   B.   Degree Of Protection; Exposure For Observation: Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in water supply lines to provide at least the degree of protection stipulated in the International Plumbing Code. All backflow prevention assemblies shall be exposed for easy observation and be readily accessible. (1989 Code § 14-167; amd. 1998 Code)
   C.   Working Condition: All backflow prevention assemblies installed in a potable water supply system for protection against backflow shall be maintained in good working condition by the person having control of such assemblies. The State Department of Health, Bureau of Drinking Water/Sanitation and the Public Works Director having jurisdiction, may inspect such assemblies and, if found to be defective or inoperative, shall require the replacement thereof. No assembly shall be removed from use, relocated or another assembly substituted, without the approval of the Public Works Director. (1989 Code § 14-167; amd. 1998 Code)
   D.   Testing: All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested within ten (10) working days of installation.
   E.   Safety Hazards: No backflow prevention assembly shall be installed so as to create a safety hazard; for example, installed over an electrical panel, steam pipes, boilers, pits or above ceiling level. (1989 Code § 14-167)