A.   Department heads may authorize purchase of supplies, services and materials which do not exceed $4,999 and may sign the contracts pertaining thereto, provided the purchases are made in accordance with procedures set forth in this chapter and there are funds in the department budget to cover the purchases to be made.
   B.   Purchases of supplies, services, or construction materials between $5,000 and $9,999 require prior approval of the Department Head and the Chief Procurement Officer. The Chief Procurement Officer shall verify that the procedures set forth in this chapter have been accurately followed prior to giving approval and shall ensure there are sufficient funds budgeted and available to cover the purchases to be made.
      1.   A purchase order shall be submitted for approval for the purchase of all supplies, services or construction in excess of $5,000, except in circumstances permitted by this chapter such as emergency purchases or for service contracts entered between the City and contracted party, which specify the cost of service.
   C.   Purchases of supplies, services, or construction materials of more than $10,000 require the approval of the Department Head, Chief Procurement Officer, and the City Council. The Chief Procurement Officer shall verify that the procedures set forth in this chapter have been accurately followed prior to the City Council giving approval. (Ord. 2020-01, 4-14-2020; amd. Ord. 2023-08, 6-27-2023)