A.   All procurement-related expenditures of the City shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and applicable provisions of State law including, but not limited to, the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act set forth at Utah Code Ann. §10-6-101, et seq., as amended. Any expenditure involving federal assistance funds shall comply with applicable federal law and regulations. Any expenditure involving the construction, maintenance or improvement of a class C road or work using class C funds shall comply with Utah Code Ann. 72-6-108 and 72-6-109, as amended.
   B.   Procurement-related expenditures not covered under this chapter shall follow the Utah Procurement Code, Utah Code Ann. 63G-6a-101 et seq.
   C.   All procurement shall follow the ethical standards of the Utah Municipal Officers’ and Employees’ Ethics Act, Utah Code Ann. 10-3-1301, et seq.
   D.   The City shall maintain records pertaining to purchases and encumbrances made under this chapter in accordance with the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act, Utah Code Ann 63G-2-101 et seq.
   E.   No check or warrant to cover any claim against appropriations may be drawn until the claim has been processed according to the relevant provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2020-01, 4-14-2020; amd. Ord. 2023-08, 6-27-2023)