A.   Accessory Dwelling Units, both Internal and External Accessory Dwelling Units, (IADU & EADU) shall be permitted in those zones identified in Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 10-A of this code, also known as the South Weber City land use matrix.
   B.   Regardless of the location of a proposed ADU, no ADU may be located on parcels which:
      1.   Are smaller than six thousand (6,000) square feet for IADUs;
      2.   Are smaller than .33 acres for EADUs;
      3.   Do not contain an owner-occupied single-family residence;
      4.   Are serviced by a failing septic tank; or
      5.   Have a recreational vehicle as the primary dwelling unit.
   C.   ADUs shall not be rented for less than a thirty-day period.
   D.   No parcel may contain more than one ADU.
   E.   Ownership of an ADU shall not be subdivided or transferred apart from its principal dwelling unit.
   F.   External accessory dwelling units may be permitted subject to additional requirements as outlined in this chapter. (Ord. 2021-12, 9-14-2021; amd. Ord. 2023-18, 2-27-2024)