(a)   No children under the age of sixteen are permitted within the cemeteries without adult supervision. All children must display appropriate behavior while on the grounds of the cemeteries.
   (b)   No pets shall be permitted in the cemeteries.
   (c)   Bringing lunches, food, beverages, or illegal substances for consumption within the cemeteries is strictly forbidden.
   (d)   No article of any kind will be permitted on any grave, or tree, except decorations, in compliance with these Rules and Regulations.
   (e)   Sitting or leaning on monuments or walls is not permitted.
   (f)   The Village is not responsible for theft or damage to anything placed on graves or grounds of the cemeteries.
   (g)   No unauthorized bench, chair, or trellis shall be permitted upon the grounds of the cemeteries.
   (h)   The Village shall have the right to remove any dead or damaged tree, shrub, or other plantings.
   (i)   No touching, scraping, rubbing, or spraying of liquids on memorials or monuments is not permitted for any purpose.
   (j)   No artificial flowers, plants, greens, etc. are allowed. Natural flowers will be removed as soon as the natural flowers fade and wither, and the right is reserved by the Village to make such removal. Also, natural wreaths placed on graves or on a metal stand will be removed at such time as is specified by the Village and the owner forfeits all rights, title, and interest to the same. The Village may dispose of them in any way deemed best.
   (k)   No person shall use profane or boisterous language or in any way disturb the quiet and good order of the cemeteries.
   (l)   All persons are forbidden to hunt fowls or other animals in or around the cemeteries.
   (m)   All persons are strictly forbidden to break or injure any tree or shrub, or mar any landmark, memorial, or monument, or in any manner deface the grounds of the cemeteries.
   (n)   All orders, inquiries and complaints must be directed to the Village Fiscal Office.
   (o)   No person or persons other than an employee of the Village so authorized shall be permitted to bring or carry firearms within the cemeteries, except a Military Guard of Honor, and then only when in the charge of an officer and during a military service.
   (p)   All work and planting of any kind on all graves is strictly prohibited.
   (q)   Placing American flags, natural potted flowers, plants, wreaths, or baskets on graves is not permitted except on Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. They shall be removed by the owners within five days from placing on graves on the special days herein set forth. The digging of holes for any purpose whatsoever is strictly prohibited.
   (r)   All persons are reminded that the grounds are sacredly devoted to the burial of the dead and that the provisions and penalties of the law, as provided by statute and the Village's Codified Ordinances, will be strictly enforced in all cases of wanton injury, disturbance and disregard of the rules and the laws of the State of Ohio and/or the Village.
(Ord. 2023-51. Passed 9-11-23.)