After the information required in Section 1481.03 herein has been provided to the Village Engineer, the Village Engineer may approve the storm water detention Plan for the development, provided the following standards have been met by such proposed storm water detention Plan.
   (a)    The peak flow rate or runoff generated from the critical storm and all more frequent storms occurring on the proposed development area does not exceed the peak flow rate or runoff from a one year frequency, 24 hour storm occurring on the same area under pre-development conditions.
   (b)    Storms of less frequent occurrence (longer return periods) than the Critical Storm up to the 100 year storm have peak flow runoff rates no greater than the peak flow runoff rates from the equivalent size storms under predevelopment conditions. Consideration of the one, two, five, ten, twenty-five, fifty and 100 year storms will be considered adequate in designing and developing drainage facilities to meet this standard. (Ord. 1990-13. Passed 2-12-90.)