The following regulations are hereby adopted respecting the use of the Village Hall:
(a) All requests to use Village Hall shall be made by submitting a completed Application for Reservation and Use for South Russell Village Hall, which application is available on the website and also available upon request, by email to, in person to Village Hall, or by mail to the Fiscal Officer. The completed Application for Reservation and Use for South Russell Village Hall must be submitted at least two weeks before the desired date of use; provided however, that if the desired use requires Council approval, the completed application shall be submitted at least one week prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting prior to the desired date of use.
(b) A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) fee shall be submitted to the Fiscal Officer if Council approves an organization's Application for Reservation and Use for South Russell Village Hall. No fee shall be charged to any homeowners' association in the Village of South Russell for such use of Village Hall; provided however, that Council retains discretion to require future approval of a requested use by and/or impose a fee to any homeowners' association.
(c) Requests to use Village Hall for any commercial, business, or for any sales or promotional purposes shall not be permitted. The Village of South Russell may require applicants to show evidence of their non-profit status.
(d) Users of Village Hall are responsible for the proper care of the premises as follows:
(1) Food and drink are NOT permitted.
(2) Use of Village electronics, including television screens, computer, and sound system/microphones, etc. is NOT permitted.
(3) User is to return tables and chairs to their original location, (i.e., stacked if they were stacked, etc.).
(4) Books on the shelves are for reference only and may not be removed from Council Chambers.
(5) User must close and lock all windows.
(6) User must turn off all lights.
(7) User must lock the door when exiting and the Police Department will set the alarm after everyone has left.
(e) Users of Village Hall agree to adhere to the following fire safety regulations:
(1) The occupancy limit is 47.
(2) There is no smoking in Village Hall or on Village Campus.
(3) No doorways or exits are to be blocked.
(4) No candles or open flames of any kind are permitted.
(f) Users of Village Hall shall indemnify and hold harmless the Village of South Russell, its elected and/or appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all actions, claims, losses, expenses, and demands on account of any injuries, property damage or any other claims whatsoever arising from the use of Village Hall.
(g) The Village of South Russell reserves the right to limit availability of the Village Hall for use by community groups based upon the need to use Village Hall for official Village business and the Village of South Russell reserves the right to cancel any Village Hall reservation in the event of an emergency.
(Ord. 1977-26. Passed 7-11-77; Ord. 2022-94. Passed 11-14-22.)